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Valaki lefordítaná nekem magyarra?

Figyelt kérdés

An account reserve is an amount of money set aside in your PayPal account to help make sure that you’re able to meet any liabilities you may incur from a chargeback, claim or bank reversal, where no other money is available. The reserved amount still belongs to you, but is unavailable for use (including withdrawal).

The use of reserves in this way is common across the payments industry, and you’ll find more information about it in the PayPal User Agreement, section 10.4.

Based on a review of your account, we have decided that reserves will be applied as follows:

20% of the funds you receive each day will be held for 45 days in your ‘Pending balance’ and will be added to your ‘Available balance’ for your use or withdrawal after the 45 days have elapsed. This process will continue on a daily basis.

And the amount of funds that must remain in the ‘Pending balance’, without a fixed release date. In this case a minimum balance of $1,700.00 USD will be retained.

Our decision to place reserves was based on a review of the potential risk exposure posed by your account. A risk review considers several factors relating to accounts, which include, but are not limited to, transactional activity, customer disputes, business type, credit attributes, delivery timeframes and customer satisfaction.

This reserve decision will be eligible for a review 180 days from the date of this email. If, at that time, you believe there has been an improvement in your account activity and performance, we will be happy to review.

In addition to the reserve we are also placing a processing Cap on payments received into your PayPal account. This means we have approved your account to process a maximum of $50K USD per month. If the amount processed per month exceeds the $50K USD threshold then this may result in your account being limited and/or the reserves being increased.

We continue to value your custom and look forward to serving you in the future.

2015. jan. 28. 13:48
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:

Szó szerint nem,de ahogy én értem a lényeget:

Minden kapott pénzből az érkezéstől számított 45 napig az összeg 20%-át zárolják egyfajta tartalékkén a 'pending balance' azaz függő egyenleg számlán. A tartalék összege minimum 1700 usd , szóval ennyi minimum le lesz kötve.

Az nem világos nekem,hogy ez hogy töltődik fel. (tehát addig nem kapsz semmit,amíg az össz egyenleged >1700 usd, vagy pedig mindig a 20%-ból töltődik csak fel és a 20%-okokból jön össze az 1700 usd és a későbbi 20%-okra vonatkozik majd a 45 napos szabály)

A másik ,hogy 50 000 USD -t utalhatnak neked max havonta.

Ezek a szabályok 180 nap múlva felülvizsgálhatóak.Itt szintén nem értem,hogy ezt kérni kell,vagy automatice.

Remélem ez is segített valamit.

2015. jan. 29. 19:23
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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