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Valaki lefordítaná nekem a következő szöveget?

Figyelt kérdés
Nurses in a Singapore hospital once faced the daily annoyance of dealing with inaccurate meal orders from patients but not any more. An idea that cost nothing to introduce has allowed them to correct errors on the spot and reduce the time they spend taking meal orders. This concept won the first prize in the hospital's "annual ideas exchange", and will be launched throughout the entire hospital in the future. Senior nurse Lee Chee, whose team of seven nurses developed the scheme, said meal orders used to be taken by hand and then typed into a computer outside the ward. But errors often occurred when patients on low-fat or low-salt diets chose normal meals instead. Last March, a team member noticed the staff at a fast-food chain restaurant dealing with long queues easily by using a hand-held device to take orders. "We were very excited, and discussed how to implement something similar," said Ms Lee. Finally, the team came up with the idea of using the computers-on-wheels that doctors at the hospital had already been using for a year during their ward rounds to order medications for patients. The nurses also developed a menu with pictures to guide patients in their meal choices. The project cut down the time spent ordering food for 16 patients from 75 minutes to 30 minutes.
2014. júl. 3. 20:28
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:
Régebben sok gond volt egy szingapúri kórházban azzal, hogy a betegek nem nekik megfelelő kaját rendeltek (mert ellentmondott a diétájuknak). Ezt úgy oldották meg, hogy mostmár egy hordozható számítógéppel intézik a betegek rendeléseit.
2014. júl. 3. 20:43
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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