Hogyan kell elmondani egy teljes napirendet angolul?
Lesz egy felvételim, és kb ilyen kérdések lesznek, de mivel soha sehol nem tanultam angolul, csak önszántamból kezdtem el pár hete, elkelne egy kis segítség.
Megköszönném, ha a következő mondatokat lefordítanátok nekem.
-Honnan jöttél?
*Magyarországról, Budapestről jöttem
*2 napja, autóval.
-Mit reggeliztél/ebédeltél ma?
*Műzlit, gyümölcsöt./ Húslevest, sült csirkét krumplipürével.
-Mi van rajtad?
*Zöld nadrág, barna cipő, bézs póló, pulóver.
-Mi a kedvenc ételed/hobbid/állatod/?
Gulyásleves, csirkecomb, palacsinta/ zene hallgatás, olvasás/macska
-Milyen zenét szeretsz?
*Én az elektronikus/komoly/pop/rock zenét szeretem.
Vagy esetleg ha tudtok ilyen alap napirend, bemutatkozós, interjús dolgokat neten azt is köszönöm ;)
(Kerestem de ilyet nem találtam)
ja kimaradt:
Fogat mostam, fésülködtem. 7:20 kor felszálltam a buszra/ elindultam dolgozni.
-Where are you from?/ Where did you come from?
*I'm from/ I came from Hungary.
-When did you come?
*I came 2 days ago by car.
-What did you have for breakfast/for lunch?
*I had some müsli and some fruits. / broth, roast chicken with mashed potatoes
-What are you wearing?
*I'm wearing szótár
-What's your favaourite food/hobby/animal?
*my fav foods are goulash soup, chicken thigh, pancake / i like listening to music and reading / my favourite animal is cat
-What kind of music do you like?
*I prefer szótár
Where did you come from?
I came from Budapest, Hungary.
When (did you come)?
(I came) two days ago by car
What did you have for breakfast and lunch today?
I ate some cereals and some fruits for breakfast. For lunch I had some broth and fried chicken with mashed potatoes.
What are you wearing now?
I'm wearing now a green trousers, a beige T-shirt, a sweater, and brown shoes
What is your hobby/ your favorite food/ your favorite animal?
My hobbies are listening to music and reading. My favorite foods are goulash soup, chicken legs and pancakes. My favorite animal is cat.
What kind of music do you like?
I like the electronic / classical/ pop / rock music.
Nálunk suliban a napirend az ilyen volt.
I usually get up 7 o'clock
After getting up I go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth
At around 8:30 I have breakfast. For breakfast I usually eat some cereal with milk.
Then I go to school on foot as always. The school starts at at 8:45 and finishes at around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. When the school is over I go back to the dormitory and have lunch. For lunch I usually have some kind of soup for starter. For my main course I eat some meat with a lot of garnish.
After having lunch.............
Kb ilyen :)
De nem tudom hogy neked milyen napirend kell :)
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