"How'd you been?" or "How had you been?" is the past perfect tense, and the sense of the question is that the speaker is trying to ascertain how "you" had been at some relatively distant time in the past. It is not incorrect when you mean it in this sense, but most people don't really care about your state of being five or 10 years ago; they are trying to find out how you have been lately, in the past few weeks or since they last saw you. Therefore, "How've you been?" or "How have you been?" is the proper question to ask someone whom you haven't seen in a little while and want to catch up with.
Roviden, azt kerdezi, hogy eddig az idoig/mostanig hogy voltal/vagy.
Amugy nem hasznaljuk, inkabb how have you been.

Ha elolvasod a kérdező 5-ös beírását, akkor megérted az enyémet is (9-es) és nem pontozol le feleslegesen.
Amúgy mindegy, mert hosszú hónapok óta nem változik a százalékom semerre, pedig kérdéseket is teszek fel:)))
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