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Ezt a levelet kaptam. Le tudná valaki fordítani? Mit tartalmaz a levél?

Figyelt kérdés

Csak vázlatosan értem..

Dear Friend,

I am Mr. Philip Scott, Chairman of the audit Committee and Investigation Management with NatWest Bank London, UK. I have decided to write you after looking through your profile to seek your foreign partnership in claiming (£7.2 Million British Pounds). This Fund was discovered in a dormant account in my department during our investigation and audit assignment belonging to one of our client who died in an auto crash that happened in 2011 and unfortunately, no body has come forward since to claim this fund despite all our correspondence and emissaries to whom it may concern.

Based on my position in the Bank, I have removed the file from the dormant list files, that is why I want to present you on trust to make the claim as the next of kin to the diseased legitimately with my directions as I have all the required data for the claim. However, I will And arrange all the legal documents to transfer the Fund to your account as the beneficiary, and both of us will share the Fund. If you are interested please respond back to my private email : or, you can send me your email address as soon as possible to afford me the opportunity to provide you with more information on how we can finalize this transaction.

2014. febr. 5. 17:23
 1/3 norbi2010 válasza:
Tömören ez egy spam levél, ne válaszolj rá. Meg akar veled osztani 7.2 millió fontot, ami elég valószínűtlen.
2014. febr. 8. 00:22
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 anonim ***** válasza:
Töröld ki
2014. febr. 11. 23:36
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/3 anonim ***** válasza:
Nehogy megadd neki a személyes adataid (mert visszaélhetnek vele)
2014. febr. 11. 23:38
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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