Egy állásinterjúra kell mennem pár héten belül, ami részben angol nyelven zajlik. Hogyan készüljek fel rá?
1 példapárbeszéd:
Az állásinterjúk többségének második köre során nagyon gyakori, hogy a jelentkező nyelvtudását felmérendő különböző kérdéseket tesznek fel az adott idegen nyelven. Ebből most egy szemelvényt állítottam össze angol nyelven, hogy segítsen az állásinterjúra történő felkészülés során. Először szituációban mutatnék be egy pár gyakori kérdést.
Let's switch to English now. I hope you don't mind answering a couple of questions about yourself. Firstly, would you introduce yourself shortly?
My name is X.Y. I have graduated from the university of the BEST, faculty of 'How to become the best in everything'. After having finished university I started my career at MPG Ltd as a junior sales manager. I took part in all the training programmes offered by the company and mastered my business English. I gained particular experience in dealing with difficult people...
Thank you. Could you tell me what kind of a person you are?
On the whole, I am a rather positive person, enthusiastic and have excellent communicative skills. I am ambitious and prepared to improve my skills in every respect. I do my best in every bit of my work. This last personality trait of mine I would consider one of my weaknesses. I am a maximalist and I expect myself and others to fulfil all tasks with high care and top quality.
What makes you the right person for the job?
I have always been interested in people so I am experienced in detecting what can motivate people, what they would like to buy and therefore I can sell them basically everything the company wants me to in a way that the customer won't feel disappointed...
A továbbiakban pedig témakörökre bontva további kérdéseket sorolok fel.
Further frequently asked questions about career:
1. What are you doing at the moment?
2. What job did you enjoy the most / the least and why?
3. Why did you leave each job?
Questions about the job:
1. Why do you want the job?
2. What will be your main contribution to this job / to the company?
3. How would you start this job?
4. What are your career intentions?
5. Tell me more about how the job matches your career intentions and what appeals to you personally about it?
6. What experience could you gain from previous and current jobs?
Questions about skills:
1. Which skills are relevant to this job?
2. What extra skills do you have?
3. What skills are you missing?
Questions about personality:
1. What are your strengths?
2. What are your weaknesses?
3. What are your interests?
4. What would you like to be doing 10 years later?
Az alapkérdések ismeretében érdemes készülni és gyakorolni a válaszadást, hogy a legváratlanabb helyzetben is, például stresszinterjú közepette is tudjunk mit mondani úgy, hogy annak meggyőző ereje is legyen!
Az alapos készülés, gyakorlás meghozza a várt eredményt!
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