Mit jelent ez? ANGOL
" For too many years, black Americans marched and had their heads broken and got shot. "
Ez egy részlet Stokely Carmichael "Black Power " beszédébol.
Amit a March against fear mozgalom utan adott, ahol pedig James Meredith-t meglotték. A shot es a marched szo szerintem erre utalhat. De nem értem azt a részt, hogy " had their heads broken " ... ??
Egyébként utana ez jon, csak hogy meglegyen a kontextus is, hatha ugy jobban értheto :
" They were saying to the country, "Look, you guys are supposed to be nice guys and we are only going to do what we are supposed to do - why do you beat us up, why don't you give us what we ask, why don't you straighten yourselves out?" After years of this, we are almost the same point - because we demonstrated from a position of weakness. We cannot be expected any longer to MARCH and HAVE OUR HEADS BROKEN in order to say to whites : come on, you're nice guys. For you are not nice guys. We have found you out... "
Szoval meg kell magyaraznom az idezetet az elejen, de nem teljesen értem, hogy mire utalhat ezzel. A have his head broken kifejezést nem is ismerem.
Elore is koszonom ha valaki tud segiteni ! :)

Literally they " had their heads broken " ...
Police batons caused various head injuries during their protests and marches as police regularly beat the protesters.
It is as simple as that.
Oh koszonom, a "marches " tobbes szamban es a jelentes meg is oldja a kerdeseim a for too many years-el kapcsolatban meg a megértéssel is.
Cheers :D

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