Hogy mondod ezt a pár angol mondatot magyarul?
1. Tudta hogy ez a pillanat is el fog jönni, hiszen amiket tett úgy sem úszhatta volna meg szárazon.
2. Mindent komolyan gondolt amit elmondott, és most is azon tűnődött hogy hogyan fogja mindezeket véghez vinni.
3. Ugyan még nem volt biztos benne hogy hosszú távon is kitart emelett a terv mellett... Lehet igen lehet nem.
4. Az idő majd úgyis mindent megváltoztat.
Előre is köszönöm, nagyon sokat segítenétek! (Jó válaszokért zöld pacsi megy!)
első vagyok
amikor már elküldtem akkor vettem észre,hogy nem tudom pontosan mit kérsz :D
He knew this moment would come, there was no chance to get away with what he had done.
He meant everything he said, and now he was wondering how he would carry it out.
Though he was still uncertain whether he would keep to the plan in the long run. He may or may not.
Time will change everything anyway.
She was very well aware that that certain moment must also come, since what she had carried through was not to be get off lightly.
She really meant what she said, and now she was wondering about how she might accomplish all these.
She was uncertain, however, if she were hold on to her scheme in the long run.
Time would change all.
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