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Fogalmazást kellett írni a gyerekkori emlékeimről. Sok hibát vétettem a szövegben?

Figyelt kérdés

Childhood memories

I have loads of childhood memories. But now I chosen the one of the worst and the best one.

My first memory of about my life is not the best memory. When I was about 3 or 4 years old, my parents renovated our house. And one day I run very close to the heater and somehow the heater fell over to the side, and unfortunately my legs stuck underneath. I started to cry but my mum said, don’t worry you‘re fine. And fortunately I was fine, my legs had a few purple and yellow bruises but that’s it.

My best memory in my life happened when I was about 13 or 14. I used to play handball, and my team went to Sweden. There was a (kind of) handball European championship. The opening ceremony was unforgettable. We needed to walk into the huge football field, and every team wore her unique dress and we heard our National Hymn. The championship took about 2 weeks unfortunately my team finished the semi-final. But we were really happy, because we didn’t expect the 4th place (Because our team is from a very small village in Hungary). The first part the closing ceremony was the same like to opening. But the second part something happened. The Swedish directors selected the best player, the best goalkeeper and the top goal scorer. And the best goalkeeper was me. I was so surprised, because there were other 50-60 goalkeepers and they chosen me. So I needed to walk up the podium, and they gave me a special certificate, a special cup and a huge gift bag. When I called my mum I was so happy, I couldn’t speak a lot, I just said: I’m the best !

I think I will remember that forever, and I’ll tell my children and grandchildren very proudly.

2009. okt. 12. 20:17
 1/4 anonim ***** válasza:

hát,átolvastam meg átírtam ami szerintem nem volt jó,de lehet még ebben is lesz hiba:D

Childhood memories

I have lots of childhood memories. But now I chose one of the worst and one of the best.

My first memory about my life is not the best memory. When I was about 3 or 4 years old, my parents renovated our house. And one day I run very close to the heater and somehow the heater fell over to the side, and unfortunately my legs stuck underneath. I started crying but my mum said, ’Don’t worry you‘re fine’. And fortunately I was fine, my legs had a few purple and yellow bruises but that’s it. (that’s it-el mit akarsz mondani? Ez van?:D)

My best memory in my life was happened when I was about 13 or 14. I used to play handball, and my team went to Sweden. There was a handball European championship. The opening ceremony was unforgettable. We had to walk into the huge football field, and every team wore their unique dress and we were listening our National Hymn. The championship took about 2 weeks unfortunately my team finished the semi-final. But we were really happy, because we didn’t expect the 4th place (Because our team was from a very small village in Hungary). The first part the closing ceremony was the same like the opening ceremony. But the second part something happened. The Swedish directors selected the best player, the best goalkeeper and the top goal scorer. And the best goalkeeper was me. I was so surprised, because there were about 50-60 goalkeepers and the directors chose me. So I needed to walk up to the podium, and they gave me a special certificate, a special cup and a huge gift bag. When I called my mum I was so happy, I couldn’t speak a lot, I just said ’I’m the best!’

I think I will remember for it forever(vagy úgy is írhatod, hogy I will never forget it), and I’ll tell my children and grandchildren very proudly.

2009. okt. 12. 20:50
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/4 anonim ***** válasza:

Nagyon jó, szuper! Az elsőben még annyit javítanék, hogy I have chosen. Az utolsó mondat pedig: That was all.

A másodikban több javítanivalót hagyott a javító. Was happened - ugye ilyen nincs, csak happened, az eredeti a jó.

listened TO our national Anthem (Ez a himnusz, a másik szó irodalmi műfaj)

village OF Hungary

The first part OF the closing ceremony was the same AS the ...

But IN/DURING the second part

I will remember it forever, nem kell a for, te írtad jól.

I will my children ABOUT IT - ez hiányzik bele, a tell mellé kell valami tárgy.

Ügyes vagy. Gratulálok a best goalkeeper teljesítményedhez is!

2009. okt. 12. 21:49
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/4 anonim ***** válasza:
Kihagytam a tell-t a végéről.
2009. okt. 12. 21:51
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/4 A kérdező kommentje:
nagyon szépen köszönöm a javításokat!!!
2009. okt. 12. 21:56

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