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Valaki atolvasna ezt a levelet?

Figyelt kérdés

Nem vagyok valami profi angolbol, azt megkoszonnem ha valaki atnezne hogy helyesirasilag oke-e.

A feladat, hogy egy kampanynak kell a hirdeteset megszervezni.

I am writing this letter because of the company's campaign. The campaign is called "Safe travel". I reckon that it is an essential issue so we should spread out it all over the country.

To tell the truth the media like advertising source seems to be good. It would be a good solution if we advertise especially in the media. The best would be the tv and the internet because these inventions are available for almost everybody. On the one hand, a tv ad is very expensive but watching tv is a very widespread past-time activity. Televisions, however, glued the viewers to the screen. Secondly it is inevitable nowadays to use a computer. We should create an own website. It is a huge positive aspect that the ads are always avaliable for the visitors. Moreover it is easy to send your acquaintances. And the biggest benefit is that it is transformable.

But personally i do think that the newspaper and the radio is a quite outdated method. Fewer people read newspapers and listen to radio in the 21th century.

All in all i firmly believe that the best solutions would be the tv ad and an own website on the internet.

But it is my only personal opinion.

I am looking forward to your reply.

2013. febr. 24. 19:06
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:

But it is my only personal opinion helyett

But it is just my personal opinion

2013. febr. 25. 01:38
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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