Milyen hibáim vannak a lenti angol szövegben? (középszint szeretne lenni)
Dear Susie,
thank ypou for your sincerity. I suppose, that not only the slims girls could have boyfriends. An owerweight girl could be even so pretty, attractive, as the slimmer girls; you have to be just self-confident.
You're just 16 years old, so you don't need anyway a boyfriend. The learning and friends are important too. So you could deciding, what is actually the most important in your life and employ with this thing. If you would like to have more friends and have fun, you should go out with your girlfriend. And you could get acquainted with her friends and even some handsome boys. If you would like to loose weight, you may change your lifestyle. For example try some sports or run in the park mornings or find other activities. Don't sit at home every day. I hope, that I could help to you.
Good luck
The editor
az elején thank *you.
ha tudtok valami szép szerkezetet az "if you would like" helyett, azt megköszönném.

slims girls helyett slim
you just have to be self-confident
don't need a boyfriend anyway
the learning helyett inkább studies-t írnék
important, too (too előtt mindig vessző)
you could decide what (nem kell vessző, és sztem could helyett inkább should vagy can)
and employ with helyett in
girlfriend - ez csak szerelmi kapcsolat esetében használatos. simán friend
mornings helyett inkább every morning
I hope I helped you inkább...
Remélem jók, talán még valaki benéz és a javítást is kijavítja :)
Amúgy jól nyomod szerintem :)

"I suppose, that not"
Azt hiszem, a that nem kell ide. Nem lehetetlen, hogy helyes így is, de szerintem nem szükséges.
"slims girls"
Slim girls, az angolban nem egyeztetjük a melléknevet a főnévhez.
"could have"
Can have.
"could be even so pretty"
Can be just as pretty.
"you have to be just self-confident"
You just have to be confident.
"don't need anyway a boyfriend"
Don't need a boyfriend anyway.
"The learning"
"important too"
Important, too. Nem nagy hiba a vessző lehagyása, csak így a teljesen jó.:)
"So you could deciding"
So you could decide.
"get acquainted with"
Get acquainted to.
"loose weight"
Lose weight.
"you may change"
You may have to change. / You should change.
"For example try"
For example, try. (Mint a too esetében, ide is kell vessző.)
"in the park mornings"
In the park in the morning.
"I hope, that I could help to you."
I hope I could help you. / I hope I was of any help.
Nem feltétlenül rossz. Ha egy angollal beszélgetnél, érthető volna, de nyelvvizsgán apróbb dolgokba is belekötnek. A módosítószók és töltelékszók szórendjére figyelj kicsit jobban. Egyébként angol előtt németet tanultál?:) Mert nekem a "mornings" és a "slims girls" alapján úgy néz ki, hogy németesen (vagy bármely más indoeurópai nyelv logikájával) próbálod megoldani a dolgokat.

Dear Susie,
thank you for being so sincere. I suppose not only slim girls can have boyfriends. Even an obese girl can be so pretty, attractive, as slim girls are. You have to be only self-confident.
You're just 16 years old, so you don't need a boyfriend anyway. Studying at school and friends are important too. So you could decide what is the most important in your life and employ on with that. If you would like to have more friends and more fun, you should go out with your girlfriend, and you can get acquainted with her friends and even some handsome boys too. If you would like to loose weight, you may change your lifestyle. For example try some sports or run in the park in the morning or find other activities. Don't sit at home each day. I hope I could help you.
Good luck.
The editor
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