SOS! Angol szöveg, helyesen van írva?
The Lady with an ermine was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. This is a renaissance oil painting. Leonardo painted this picture for the Duke of Milan, in 1485-1490. The girl in the painting is Cecilia Gallerani. She's only 16 years old in the picture but she looks older. Cecilia was renowned for her beauty and her literacy. Her eyes are brown and her hair is dark. Her dress is blue and red. She’s wearing a long necklace. Cecilia's body is turning towards her right, but her face is turning towards her left. It's interesting, because it like the girl is watching a person, who isn't in the picture. In her arms she is holding a small white animal. This is a stoat in winter coat. It symbolizes the purity and the nobility. You can see this famous painting at the Wawel Castle in Krakow.
Ez jó így? Vagy mondjuk a turn-t múlt időbe kell tenni: turned towards her right?

ami hibát találtam:
"in 1485-1490" helyett "between 1485-1490"-t kellene írni.
van ez a mondatod, hogy: "It's interesting, because it like the girl is watching a person..." ott a "like" elé "is"-t kell írni.
Mást nem találtam.
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