Ezt hogy kell mondani japánul?
"There is no pewer in the universe what can stop me"
"Nincs olyan erö az univerzumban ami képes megállitani engem"

első válaszoló biztos nagyon sokat segítettél ezzel a keszekuszával
egyáltalán helyes vagy teljesen hülyeséget írtál?

Azt elfelejtettem irni hogy romaji-vel kellene :D
Internetes forditok nem érnek semmit.
'Sekai de boku wo tomeru chikara ga nai'
'Nincs olyan ero a vilagon ami megallithatna'
En igy mondanam.

Watashi wo tomerareru chikara nado kono uchuu ni sae nai.
a többi válaszoló jó nagy hülyeségeket írt, a helyedben azonnal elfelejteném őket.

Although the question did not focus on English, the person who asked this seems to be a speaker of English, and I might make a humble remark here. The general belief is that it's a bit tough to put some English sentence that's not quite English into Japanese. Let's see.
pew - pewer - pewest (on the pattern of new - new - newest) is clearly an adjective (comparative degree and superlative), forms from PEW. But this adjective is not part of the English language since PEW is a noun:
a long bench with a back and sides placed in a church for people to sit on during service.
That's why - the English say in real English: "Grab a pew!" (= Sit down.)
Secondly, "What can stop me?" - on the pattern of "What can this sham English sentence be in Japanese?" is a question by the rules of English grammar.
You can put these two chunks of this English sentence into Hungarian this way,
"Nincs templomi padabb az univerzumban, mi tudna engem megallitani?"
And this sentence is not the one the asker puts here in Hungarian.
However, I turned his Hungarian sentence into English: There's no power like that in the universe that could stop me.
I'm so sorry that nem adtam forditast japanra, de angol anyanyelvukent nehez volna barkinek leforditania ezt az elsot, az angolfele mondatot - akarmelyik nyelvre, mert kb. annyi a jelentese, mint amit leforditottam itt font magyarra.
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