Hogy van angolul a következő mondat? "Célom egy stabil, kihívásokkal teli munkahelyen, hosszútávon dolgozni, ahol munkámmal hozzájárulhatok a cég sikereihez. "
My aime is to work for a long time in a stable,permanent workplace, where i can contribute to the succes of my company with my work. kb így.
tükörfordítás kell? mert akkor így mondanám:
My main goal is to have a stable, challenging workplace, to work long-term and a place where I can contribute to the company's success with my work.
Namármost, így senki sem beszél a UK-ben. Plusz jobban értékelik, ha előbb van az, hogy challenging, minthogy stable.
én így mondanám:
My main goal is to have a challenging, long-term workplace where I can contribute to the success of the company with my hard-working attitude.
"My aim is have a challenging, stable job for a long term at a place, where I can contribute to the success of the company with my work."
My aim is TO have a challenging, stable job for long term and where I can contribute to the success of the company with my work.
nem kötözködésnek, de na.
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