Mit írjak máshogy ebben az angol panaszlevélben?
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to complain about the terrible behaviour of the family I am living with.
I have been working for 3 months at your agency. Unfortunately, I have several problems with the house, and the family.
First of all, I would like to complain about the house. It is a very small building. The family does not provide me a comfortable room. My room is very small and dark, especially on rainy days.
I also have some problems with the family. I have to deal with 3 children in the afternoons. It is impossible to raise the children this way, because each child need a lot of time.
I have the biggest problems with the parents. They are very unfriendly and rude. My role is to look after the children, but they do not care about this. The father always gives me orders to do the shopping and mop the floor.
Because of the problems that I mentioned above, I would like to move to another family. I expect that the new family will provide me appropriate conditions. Besides this I would like to deal with only one child.
I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible
Yours faithfully

jó amúgy a levél, 1 pár hiba van csak benne.
''It is impossible to raise the children this way, because each child need a lot of time''ide inkább a Breed ige kéne, mert a Raise-nek fogalmi jelentése van, pl hogy felemel (felnevel) szellemileg, a Breed meg szó szerint napi szinten nevel. a másik,hogy needs kell.
a kövi bekezdés így lenne jó: the biggest problem I have with the parents, is: .....
de mondom nagyon jól irtad egyébként.

"a kövi bekezdés így lenne jó: the biggest problem I have with the parents, is: ..... "
Ha egy felsorolást akarsz bevezetni a "to be" után sosem lehet kettőspont! Csak ha hozzáadod, hogy "as follows" vagy "the following". Az első állítás igaz a prepozíciókra is!
A "complain about" helyett írhatnád mondjuk, hogy "make a complaint about" és akkor nincs szóismétlés.
A "rude" meg a " do not care about "helyett írhatnál valami finomabbat, formálisabbat, mivel ez egy hivatalos levél.
provide somebody WITH something vagy
provide something for somebody !!! Tehát: provide me with a comfortable room/provide a comfortable room for me; provide me with appropriate conditions/provide appropriate conditions for me

a raise szerintem teljesen jo ha 'neveles't akarsz kifejezni. De te nem nevelsz, az a szulok feladata. A te feladatod, hogy vigyazz rajuk, take care.
A breed-et en csak akkor hasznalom, ha a szaporodasra gondolok. (igaz en amerikai angolt hasznalok, de ha valakinek azt mondanam, hogy breed children, azt hinne nyul vagyok es szaporodni akarok....)
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