Nyelvvizsgára készülök és kíváncsi vagok, hogy jól írtam-e?
My Daily Routine
On weekdays, I usually have to get up at half past 6. I never get up as soon as I wake up. I need some time to relax a little bit. After I get up I perform my morning routine of washing my face, brushing my teeth, and then deciding what to wear. After I get dressed I brush my hair. After I make my bed. Then I have breakfast with my roommates at half past 7 in the hostel’s hall. I have tea bread and butter for breakfast. I go to school at 7.40. Classes at school starts at 8 o’ clock. Each class has its own timetable so my schedule varies by class. (Classes are forty-five minutes long with ten minute breaks, except for one "long" break between the third and the fourth classes, which is twenty minutes long.) After my classes I go for lunch to the hostel’s hall at about half past 1. After lunch I often relax in the hostel’s room. I do my homework at school from 4 o’clock to half past 6. Then I have dinner at hostel’s hall. I have shower at about 8 ’clock then I learn tomorrow. I usually go to bed at 10 ’clock. So this is my daily routine during the week. At the weekend it is a different story, I like to sleep late and do whatever I wish with my free time. I am still expected to help my parents but I still have most of the time for myself and my interests. I think everyone will agree that weekends are much better than weekdays.

"After I get dressed I brush my hair AND I make my bed."
én ennyit találtam benne, ez esztétikai hiba ugyan, de szemet szúr. :) amúgy jó, ügyes vagy!

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