Angol feladatok! Segítenél? Picit sok, de nagyon megköszönném
I. Make sentence only from the words given below:
II. Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of LET and MAKE.
1. Until about 1770 the British ......... the American settlers pay taxes, but the didn't.... them decide about life in the colonies.
2. Times have changed and the government now.... them have their own tribal reservations.
3.Even in the 1960's some states in the Usa ..... black people use the same seats as white people in buses or in cinemas.
3. Use the correct forms of HAVE TO, BE ABLE TO and ALLOWED TO.
1. When I ...... say goodbye to my friends and when I ..... take my dog, I felt sad.
2.I ..... cry allthough I don't normally cry in fron of other people.
3. My parents.... take much with them because we ..... leave quickly.
4. Here we..... work hard but at least we ..... live in peace.
5. We..... afford much here.
6.Sometimes I ask myself "....we.... feel at home here one day, or will we always feel like immigrants?"
7. ..... you ever ...... leave your home country?
8. ....... you ..... stay in a foreign country as an immigrant?
9. ..... you ..... visit foreign countries?
IV. Use the coorect verb form (gerung, infinitive or participle)
1. The things .....(load) first are outside the house.
2.She was found.....(cry)
3.He told us....(finish) .....(pack)
4.We forgot ......(make) a firm offer.
V. Rewrite the sentences replacing the words in brackets with a suitable idiom.
1. Pay me now or later, (it makes no difference)....... to me.

amennyiben állapotot írsz le, akkor nem lehet -ing; a mondat első fele pedig tisztán és világosan kijelenti, hogy mára megváltozott a helyzet...
Ha csak egyetlen olyan mondatot is találsz, hogy the Government now is letting, akkor visszaadom a diplomámat, mert hogy az úgy lenne helyes, hogy IS NOW LETTING!!! Nem lenne jó a szórend sem és a jelentés sem, itt a szórenden változtatni nem lehet, úgyhogy szerintem nincs is kérdés.
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