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Megérkezni Budapestre az arrive at vagy arrive in?

Figyelt kérdés
2011. aug. 14. 10:31
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 11/13 bongolo ***** válasza:

Megkérdeztem két anyanyelvi ismerősömet, ezeket írták:


“arrive to” is for me just wrong. In any part of the world. The verb means “come to”, and “to” doesn’t fit well with it.

Except of course in unusual sentences like “We arrived to discover that out luggage was missing”. Here “to” relates to “discover” not “arrive”.

For cities and countries, “in” is best: “We arrived in Paris”, but for other places “at” is OK (or better): “We arrived at the airport at the last minute”, or “We arrived at the border, just as it was being closed. Also for abstract uses: “We arrived at the following conclusion”.


Másik ismerősöm London elővárosából:

I can't think of any context in which "arrive to London" would be valid. "go to .., get to, going to, travel to, move to ... " would all be good, but using the word arrive, we have:

I have arrived in ...

I will arrive in ...

Even a train announcement would be something like:

... calling at Swindon, Reading, and arriving in London at 19:25 ...

although you could have arriving at Paddington at 19:25

Thinking of it technically, (using the German grammar that I learned at school) "to" is used with a motion verb, but "arrive" is not a motion verb - more a change of state.


Természetesen nem vonom kétségbe, hogy vannak, akik to-t mondanak, de én magam nem propagálnám...

2011. aug. 17. 01:44
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 12/13 anonim ***** válasza:

Hu feljottem h valaszoljak aztan teljesen elbizonytalanodtam :D

Lehet h kulonbozo helyeken maskent mondjak, de az is lehet h anyanyelvi beszelo is hibazhat pont ugy ahogy mi is hibazunk neha a magyar nyelvvel.

Legkozelebb majd fulelek a repulon , remelem ott a "hivatalosat" hasznaljak majd.

2011. aug. 18. 21:26
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 13/13 anonim ***** válasza:
Én nem tudom, hol éltek, vagy honnan tanultok angolul, de akkor is "arive in".
2011. aug. 18. 21:29
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
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