Helyes az alábbi angol mondataim? Ellenőrizné vki?
I have need 8 hours sleep.
I am an early bird.
My free time I go to the piano lessons, ride horde, play handball and walk or chat with my friend.
On wekdays evening I paly my dogs, ride horse, watch a good film..
I needed 8 hours to sleep.
In my free-time I go/attend piano (private) lessons, ride horse,play handball and walk or chat with my friend.
In the evenings I usually play with my dog, ride horse or just watch a good film.
I need 8 hours to sleep.
Így is jó szerintem, mivel általában van így.
I need eight hours of sleep.
I am an early bird.
In my free time I have piano lessons, ride a horse, play handball and walk or chat with my friends. On weekday evenings I play with my dogs, ride a horse or watch a good film.
I need 8 hours' sleep
I need 8 hours to sleep
I need 8 hours of sleep
mind jó, az utolsó a leggyakoribb, legsemlegesebb...
és tessék a többi hibácskára is odafigyelni,(ride a horse - nem maradhat ki a határozatlan névelő, on weekday evenings, nem on weekdays in (the) evening...), friends - vagy tbszám, vagy határozatlan névelő, de determináns mindenképpen kell, play prep-je nem maradhat ki: "with"!
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