Jó ez az angol fogalmazás? Légyszi segít setek!
Arról kell írni, hogy szerintem jó-e az, ha valaki 18 évesen új életet kezd, családot alapít, énzt kere.
Ezt a fogalmazást írtam, de nem tudom, jó-e? (Szerintem tele van hibával ezért is szeretném a segítségeteket kérni):(
I think you don't should start a career at 18. You should not work and earn a live. If you are 18 years old, you should learn and enter university. You meet new people at university. Many people thinks, if they are 18 years old,they are very mature to start a family. This is not so.
They didn't gain enough experience.
You shouldn't earn a live at 18 because if you go at university, you can settle at workplace.
I think if you will be 25 years old and you will be finish study at university, you can start a family and turn over a new life.
Tudom, elég szegényes szókincsre vall:( Valaki kijavítaná a hibáimat? Nagyon örülnék neki, mert ez nagyon fontos nekem:(
I think you shouldn't start a career at 18. You shouldn't work and earn money yet. If you are 18 years old, it's better to study, to go to university. You can meet new people at the university. Many people think, if they are 18, they are mature enough to start their own life and have a family. In my opinion it's not that easy. They didn't gain enough experience for it!
You can still work during the university to earn some money for studying, apartment. But I think if you are 25 years old, and you have already finished university, and have a good job, and you can afford your own flat, than you can have children, too.
Beletettem egy pár új dolgot, és kijavítottam a hibáidat, remélem tetszik, és jó lesz! :)
I think you shouldn't start a career at THE AGE OF 18. You shouldn't work and earn money yet. If you are 18 years old, it's better to study, to go to university WHERE you can meet new people...
...afford your own flat, THEN you can have children, too.
Szeríntem így összevonva jobb a than pedig then
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