Ez a fogalmazás/levél jó így angolul?
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is XY. I am writing to complain about my alarm system. My alarm system name is Tane 66 WG Track. My insurance available if need be stealing.
During my holiday somebody broke in to my house. My neighbour looked after my house. She is Susan. She is very reliable. During one night (exactly 19 April 2011), she heard noise. My house was a light on in the living room. She could hear two men speaking very quietly in my garden. She phoned the police, but escaped from two burglars with my currrency, value, assets and some precious things! The alarm system is not disquiet when the two burglars broke open my safe and broke open my house has door.
I swtiched on alert before I went to the holiday.
(ennyit sikerült eddig összehoznom....hogy írjam le hogy kártérítést kérek és hasonlók?=/)

-im writing to you to make a complaint
-alarm sytem's name/ the name of my alarm sytem is...
-my insurance is available if need be stealing - ezt írd le magyarul
-during a night, she heard a noise/noises
-the light was on in the living room
-she could hear that two men were speaking
-called the police
-but escaped...some precious thing - ezt írd le magyarul
-the alarm sytem was not turned off when the burglars broke my safe and the door
-i had switched on...
szerintem ez jó, de lehet van ahol a tied is jó.

Előzőnek és a kérdezőnek:
-I'm writing to you to make a complaint (OK - Ez talán szerencsésebb megfogalmazás is, hiszen hivatalosabb a levél.)
- During my holiday somebody broke INTO my house
- Her name is Susan
-the alarm sytem was not turned off when the burglars broke my safe and the door
-i HAD switched THE ALERT SYSTEM on before I went FOR my holiday
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