Belinkeltek egy fogalmazást angolul kedvenc filmről?

These are some of my favourite movies. Even though I highly recommend them (for some reason or another), I can not guarantee that you will enjoy them. Everyone has various reasons as to why they like (or dislike) a film.
One thing I should mention, I'm a big fan of the 'realistic' ending i.e. not necessarily happy, 'everything is fine' ending. I appreciate an ending that ends in tragedy or keeps you guessing as to the 'final' outcome. That's just how I am.
Bottle Rocket: The first from Wes Anderson and the Wilson Brothers. It may not be as flashy as their recent offerings, but the writing is gold. Go Lawn Rangers!
Clerks: Another low-budget wonder. Gotta love the language.
Election: Pick Flick! I heart Matthew Broderick.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off: An adolescent indulgence, but it stands the test of time.
Flirting With Disaster: A great comedy, with a big-name cast (that manages not to overshadow each other).
Go: A real gem that I'm sure many missed.I love the non-standard timeline and multiple points of view.
The Imposters: I describe it as 'Intelligent Slapstick.'
Raising Arizona: I think this is the best Coen brothers' offering.And Nicholas Cage is best when he does comedy.
Return of the Pink Panther: Peter Sellers is absolutely brilliant.
Rushmore: Margaret Yang - an Asian female love interest! And Bill Murray is absolutely hilarious. It's my favourite offering from Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson.
Sixteen Candles: One of my favourite John Hughes-1980s films. As a teenager I used to rewind and watch the ending over and over again
Swingers: Vegas.Money.Baby.Love it.
There's Something About Mary: I laughed out loud so much in the theatre.
Weird Science: Probably a favourite amongst teenage boys in the 1980s. My favourite John Hughes movie.

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