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Írtam egyet, remélem elég:
The tyrant's words.
Mein Kamph (Translated in German means "My Struggle") is an autobiography of one of the most dreaded men in human history - ADOLF HITLER. This book was written by Hitler himself in the year 1923(If I am
not wrong about the year) while serving a prison sentence of 9 months in Germany. Hitler explains his life,goals and dreams for a better,greater and prosperous Germany. One of his main goals is to avenge Germany’s humiliating defeat in World War 1 by ignoring the ’Treaty of Versailles’ which demanded Germany to pay reparations for the war. He holds the Jews responsible for Germany’s economic decline and its defeat in World War 1 as he feels that they are the greatest danger to Germany’s future.He also explains his plans to rid Germany and the world from the Jewish race.
The first half of the book was written by Hitler in prison and the next half after he was released. The book also describes as to how he had maneuvered his way into politics and finally became the dictator of Germany.It is not a well known fact that Hitler was actually born in Austria(border between Germany and Austria),but was greatly influenced by German people and culture and hence decided to become a German citizen.
Overall, this book is primarily a reflection of the situation prevailing in Europe,specially Germany in the early 1920’s & 1930’s.Hitler,realizing that the German people were humiliated by their defeat,had decided to capitalize on that by assuring them the prosperity of their nation and also made the Jews the scapegoats for the nation’s downfall.His anti-semitism(anti Jewish sentiment) was so great,that we all know the disastrous consequences of it.
Hitler often spoke of the superiority of the Nordic Aryan race(people of Northern Europe which includes Germany,Britain,Denmark,etc) and mentioned that people of all other races were sub-human and were not fit to survive.He also spoke of his plans to create more living space for the Germans and chose the vast Soviet Union and Eastern Europe for it.
Wars,genocides,destruction were all a result of this one man who drastically changed the world and would go down the annals of history forever.
Due to the detailed description of the various contents in this book, just on the basis of information,I would make it a sure recommendation.

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Mein Kamph ???
Bakker! nehogy ezt ad be fogalmazásnak,mert senki nem fogja elhinni,hogy te írtad!
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