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Lefordítaná nekem valaki ezt az angol szöveget?

Figyelt kérdés

Any traveller visiting a Scottish household will be overwhelmed by the warmth of his welcome and the abundance of good food set before him because the Scots, above, all, are hospitable people, and offer the very best of their resources to their guests.

Yet the family table at midday might in contrast be quite frugal. Clan farware, together with the loss of plots of land and grazing rights, has in the past led to considerably poverty. And so with typical resourcefulness the Scottish housewife has resoted to concocting wholesome and flavoursome dishes out of the most meagre of provisions.

Nowadays, in a time of greater prosperity she has never quite lost this sence of thrift, tending for example to use cheaper cuts of meat than her English counterpart, and many os Scotland's splendid national dishes, created out of necessity, have survived on their own merit. Until the 18th century few vegetables were grown. The Highlanders liked to gather nettles for their soup and in coastal areas certain types of seaweed were used.

Előre is köszönöm, nagy segítség lenne.:)

2010. nov. 14. 15:37
Sajnos még nem érkezett válasz a kérdésre.
Te lehetsz az első, aki segít a kérdezőnek!

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