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Kijavítanátok az angol szöveget amit írtam?

Figyelt kérdés
I live in X village. It is a small village. The settlemant has a famous hill. It is called Attila-Hill. Many people say at the Hill work healing energy, so a lot of tourists visit it. In my personal opinion it is not true, but I would like to believe in. I have written before some sentences that the village is small. It means the village has a few possible to do something. In the village there is a beautiful statue park. In the park there are flowers, trees and a fancy fountain. The park has several statues too, but they are copies, because the original statues had been stolen. In the park I like meet my friends. There we speak to each other and sometimes gossipping. The village has a restaurant. It is a nice place. I like to go with my friends there because the crew is kind and helpful. I like to live in my village, because the nature is near and the local people are kind.

2019. okt. 14. 21:37
 1/7 anonim ***** válasza:
Ki talál több hibát vetélkedőt szervezel? Komolyan azt várod, hogy mások javítsák ki a hosszú szöveget? Még ha 1 mondat lenne... Sok sikert, hátha lesz valaki, aki még az átlagos gyk-snál is jobban ráér és van kedve bogarászni a hibákat.
2019. okt. 14. 22:16
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/7 anonim ***** válasza:
I live in X village. It is a small community. The settlement has a famous hill called Attila-Hill. Many people say the hill has healing energies, so a number of tourists come for a visit. In my personal opinion, it is not true, but I would like to believe it. I have mentioned that the place is small. It means the neighbourhood offers few possibilities to do pass the time. The village has a beautiful state park. In the park, there are flowers, trees, and a fancy fountain. The park has several statues too, but they are copies because the original ones had been stolen. In the park, I like to meet up with my friends. There, we talk to each other and sometimes gossip. The village also has a restaurant. It is a nice place. I like to go with my friends there because the staff is kind and helpful. I like to live in my village because nature is near and the local people are kind.
2019. okt. 14. 22:29
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/7 anonim ***** válasza:
* I like to live in my village because we are so close to nature and the local people are kind.
2019. okt. 14. 22:31
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/7 anonim ***** válasza:
* It means the neighbourhood offers few possibilities to pass the time. Do nelkul.
2019. okt. 15. 04:10
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 5/7 anonim ***** válasza:

Tanuljuk meg a feladat kapcsán a like használatát:

When used in the present or past tenses, care for, like (= enjoy), love, hate and prefer are usually followed by the gerund: He doesn't/didn't care for dancing. They love/loved wind-surfing. He prefers/preferred walking to cycling.

Note however that like can also mean 'think wise or right', and is then always followed by the infinitive:

She likes them to play in the garden. (She thinks they are safe there.)

I like to go to the dentist twice a year. (I think this wise.) Compare this with

I like going to the dentist, which implies that I enjoy my visits

2019. okt. 15. 10:24
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 6/7 anonim ***** válasza:
Na, kinek nem tetszett? :D Bizony, a like ebben a szövegben/értelemben meeting-et, going-ot és living-et vonz, nem pedig főnévi igenevet.
2019. okt. 15. 17:19
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 7/7 anonim ***** válasza:
Sztrogoff mestert nem tudom miért sikerült lepontozni, ettől még igaza lesz.
2019. okt. 15. 22:01
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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