Hi! Írnátok c1/c2 nyelvvizsgara minel jobb, tobb kifejezest, amit hasznalhatok szobelinel vagy irasbelinel?

Hallgassál BBC4-et, itt van például az egyik sorozatuk:
...és jegyzeteld ki, ami megtetszik.
Olvassál olyant, aki szépen ír angolul, változatos szókinccsel.
Wodehouse: The meeting had then broken up in confusion; but letters had been exchanged, like desultory artillery fire after a battle, and finally the progressive element in the family had carried it s point; and Aubrey found himself in the corner of a first-class carriage on his way to Wrykyn and the unknown.
Maclean: The operation had to be executed with a surgically military precision marked with a meticulousness that matched, in degree if not in scope, the Allied landings in wartime Europe. It was. The preparations had to be made in total stealth and secrecy. They were. A split-second co-ordination had to be achieved. It was. All the men had to be rehearsed and trained, over and over again until they played their parts perfectly and automatically. They were so trained. Every eventuality, every possible departure from the
planned campaign had to be catered for. It was. And their confidence in their ability to carry out their plan, irrespective of reversals and departures from the norm, had to be total. It was.
Cheyney: I think you'll get tired of remembering what it is you want to forget in a minute, and then you'll slip up and make a mistake, and I shall be on it like a cat jumping on a mouse.
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