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Lenne szíves valaki segíteni a házifeladatban?

Figyelt kérdés

A.complete the sentences with the words in the box.

parade, skyscraper,ground,latest,cute,increased,lend

1. Mr Smith's office is on the_____________ floor.

2. This magazine is great because you can read about all the_______________ computer games.

3. The___________will go down Albert Street instead of Kent Road this year.

4. This is the tallest____________ in the city.

5. Barry,can you__________ me some money to go to the cinema?

6. The number of children who own mobile phones has__________lately.

7. Have you seen Linda? She's got such a(n)____________dog!

B.Choose the correct words.

1. You're SPENDING/WASTING your time with Ted. He'll never understand.

2. Don't OVERDO/ARRANGE it with that cake. You'll feel sick later.

3. On new Year's Eve the PREPARATIONS/FIREWORKS lit up the sky over London.

4.There were thousands of SHOPPERS/SPECTATORS at the stadium last night.

5. The students sat in SILENT/SILENCE and waited for the teacher to hand out the tests.

6. I went to the bank and I had to wait in the QUEUE/BLOCK for half an hour.

7.Excuse me, how much is this T-shirt? There's no PRICE TAG/TITLE on it.

8.I'd like to buy computer but I can't AFFORD/REACH it.


C. Rewrite the sentences using Reported Speech.

1."Ican't get backstage,"Gordon said to us.

Gordon told us____________________

2."Which film did you see last night, Tom?" Tina asked.

Tina asked Tom__________________

3."Mike has never seen Star Wars", Rick said.

Rick told us____________________

4."Don't chew gum in class!"the teacher told Mary.

The teacher told Mary__________________

5."Is your class rehearsing for the play next week?"

my dad asked.

My dad wanted to know__________________

6. "Sign at the bottom of this page,please," the man said.

The man asked me_________________

D. Choose a, b or c.

1. She asked us________ we knew the singer's name.

a.where b.whether c.did

2.Tony said that he had bought a bulldog_____________.

a.the previous week b.the following week c the last


3. The woman ordered us_______________.

a.leave not leave leave

4.My uncle asked me when _________ them.

a.will I visit b.would I visit c.I would visit

5. I told Alex that I was going to London__________.

a.the following day b.yesterday c the previous day


E.Complete the dialogue with the phrases a-d.

a.I keep trying over and over again.

b.Don't be so tough on yourself!

c.Take your time.

d.Good on you!

Brian: I give up! I'm useless at Art.

Emily:(1)_________ Landscapes can be quite difficult.

Brian: I just can't draw trees, look!

Emily:(2)________There's no need to hurry.

Brian: Maybe there's something wrong with my pencil.

Emily: Don't be silly! You're using the same one as me. When I can't draw something,(3)___

So, don't give up!

Brian:There! How about that?

Emily: That's much better.(4)______

Köszönöm szépen a segítő válaszokat!:)

2017. máj. 21. 10:36
 1/1 chtt ***** válasza:
Úgy érted, írjuk meg helyetted? Azt nem segítségnek híják... Viszont szívesen segítünk. Hol akadtál el, mik az eddigi megoldásaid? Melyikben nem vagy biztos? (Az első kettő pl. szimpla szótározás kérdése, a függő beszédre biztos vannak táblázatok a munkafüzet hátuljába, hogy kerülnek "eggyel múltabba" a mondatok, ill. hogy kell megoldani a felszólítást, stb. ...)
2017. máj. 21. 16:34
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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