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A szöveg:
Egyszer az egyik álmomban egy folyó mellett voltam. Odamentem ès megláttam, hogy ott van Gábor ès Ramon is. Megláttak ès odajöttek hozzám. Beszèlgetünk. Gábor ezt mondja:
-Nyár van! Nem megyünk be a vízbe fürdeni?
Èn ès Ramon jónak találtuk az ötletet ès bementünk a vízbe. Már egy ideje fürdünk amikor èszrevettük, hogy a víz piros lett. Gábor megkóstolta ès azt mondta, hogy ez vèr. Gyorsan ki akartunk menni a vízből de nem birtunk mert a víz alól halott emberek jöttek fel. Felèbredtem....
Once, one of my dreams, I standed next to a river. I went there and noticed Gábor and Ramon. They saw me, and come to me. We had a chat. Gábor said that:
- It's summer! Don't we go into the water?
Me and Ramon found it a great idea, so we went to the water. We were in the water for a while, when realise that the water became red. Gábor tasted it and he said it was blood. We wanted to go out from the water but we couldn't, because dead people came up from the water. I woke up...
Once I dreamed that I was next/near to a river. I went closer and saw that Gábor and Ramon were there. They saw me and walked over to me. We talked. Gábor said, "It's summer! Why don't we swim?"
Ramon and I thought this was a good idea so we went into the water. We were swimming for some time then when the water became red. Gábor tasted it and said that it was blood. We wanted to get out of the water quickly but we couldn't because dead people rose to the surface. Then I woke up.
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