Segitnetek angollal kapcsolatban?

Nem igerem, hogy tokeletes, de tessek, i tried to do my best:D
Nowadays, families are not as close as it used to be in the past and a lot of people have become used to this. There are many causes why families are not close-knit. It is widely seen that families are become les close to each other than they were in the past and this situation is unbelievably accepted in societies. One of the most common reasons for a decline in a family closeness is that luxurious lifestyle. To instance, most of family members spend long time in their work to obtain all modern facilities for their comfort, but as a result they do not find a sufficient time to spend within family as were in the past. The biggest problem is when the parents have teenagers because they need more attention to start their lives in good way. Apart from this, modern technology is another concern which is responsible for this isolation. For example, there are multiple online websites for chatting, and people are communicating through this with each other. Moreover, they are interested in their online life instead of interacting with their family in their free time. Also, families were larger in the past than nowadays. In the past, women had six or seven children on average, though many of them died soon after birth. Parents had lots of children to ensure that at least some of them survived. Today, child mortality is much lower and in many countries the death of a child is a rare event.Children are practically certain to grow up, so parents no longer need to raise large families. Parents also choose to have smaller families because they want to give their children every opportunity for a better life. To conclude, I would like to say that modern lifestyle and technology are the root cause of this happening.
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