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Write a travel story- A feladat.
Travelling to Hajduszoboszló.
In the last holiday we planned that we travel to Hajduszoboszlo by train.
On 30 december me and my girlfriend made the packages and at 10 p.m we went to the ticket office to buy ticket. There we asked what time's the next train to Hajduszoboszlo. They said this train has been delayed, so we depart at 12 p.m. The train was tidy enough, but not too comfortable. We travelled evening,so we were very tired and we slept a little bit.The journey was boring, until we met a man with a little dog,travelling to Hungary, and sat opposite me(?) He had a little white dog. I like the dogs very much, so thence the journey were pleasant.
At 6 a.m we arrived to Hajduszoboszlo, and we met here with my grandmother who works here.
(odamentunk a nagyimhoz,aki ott dolgozik)
I thing that were the best travel to me.
Segítetek kijavítani a hibáim? Nagyon borzalmas lett? 16L

ticket office to buyING ticketS.
We travelled in the evening.
I like dogs...(nem kell a the)
We met there my grandmother who works there.8Azt a mondatot inkább úgy írnám, hogy:We arrived Hajduszoboszló at around 6 am, where we met my grandmother, who works there.)
I thinK that was...
Elsőre ennyi, talán használhattad volna kicsit kifejezőbben az igeidőket.:)
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