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Angol pincér szöveget ki tudná lefordìtani magyarra?

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Hiába akarom, csinálom, nem megy.

Businesses focuaing on providing catering services are varied and multiple. Restaurants offer cusromers a range of food, drink and service options. At the high end of the maket there are á la carte restaurants, so-called because of the type of menu which lists and prices all items invidually and prepares dishes to order. Service is generally of a very high standard with with waiters/waitresses as well as specialist bar staff and wine waiters and the atmosphere is formal. Within this category, gourmet restaurants are the most expensive, reflecting the High quality of food and beverages and the fact they only often have recommendations from important food critics and orhanisations, which Are highly prized. Table d'hôte menu restaurants with fixed-priced menus, a set number of courses with choices within each course, are a Cheaper alternative. Items on the menu are ready at the same time, rather than made to order. This kind of restaurant is often family-run

With a more informal atmosphere. Examples of specialist restaurants are steakhouses, seafood or vegetarian restaurants. There are also Ethnic restaurants providing food and drink from a particular country. The most widespread of these are Italian, Indian and Chinese Restaurants. Both ethnic and speciality restaurants can have either an á la carte, table d'hôte or a combination of both kinds of menus.

Nowadays, many restaurants are part of a regional, national or inernational chain, so menus, service, ambiance and cost are unified and you know exactly what to expect. This is particular type or region of cuisine and prepare food which is served and eaten quickly. These can know exactly what to expect. This is particular type or region of cuisine and prepare food which is served and eaten quickly. These can Either be eat-in restaurants where you buy cooked food to eat somewhere else, or sometimes both. Examples include pizzerias, kebab or fish &

Chip shops. In addition to restaurants, cafés, coffee bars, bars and pubs also provide catering although the focus may be more on drinking Than eating. Cafés & coffee bars serve reasonably priced hot and cold drinks & light meals or snaks & are usually only open during the day. Bars & pubs are always open at night but increasingly they are serving food and drinks during the day too. In pubs the food is usually home-Made & traditional, whereas bars tend to offer a European-style menu of salads and sandwiches. Ennyi. Tudom hogy sok, de 9.-es létemre nincs sok eszem ezt lefordìtani :c segìtseteet!!köszi előre is!!:-)

#angol #szöveg #pincér #pincér szöveg
2014. jan. 6. 19:26
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