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Kijavítanád kérlek az angol házimat?

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My summer holiday

I was in the last year in Croatia. We were going by bus. The way was very long. At the first day we were have bath in the see and we could collect beautiful shellfishes and stones. At the following days we had got interesting cultural programms, but in the afternoon we could have bath. On one day we were going in a desert island and we had got a very good day there. In the evening we were playing cards and parlour games. We helped in the housework. We laid the table once and we were washing up once. The time fell up very fast, but that holiday remain a very great memorial forever.

2013. dec. 2. 20:46
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:

My summer holiday

Last year I was in Croatia. We went by bus. The trip was very long. On the first day we swam in the sea and we also collected beautiful shellfishes and stones. The following day we took part in interesting cultural programmes but in the afternoon we swam in the sea. On day we went to a desert island. We had a very good time there.

In the evening we played card games. We also helped our parents, and did some housework. For example we washed up the floor.

The journey ended very quickly but I will remember this holiday forever. It was really good.

2013. dec. 2. 20:54
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
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köszi :)
2013. dec. 2. 20:55

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