Angol fogalmazás, mik a hibáim?
Marvin was very excited and he wanted to organise a big party at home with friend without parents. Marvin and his friends had cleaned the house before they maked sandwiches and they baked some cake. One of the friends didn't close the door and the dog went into the house. The fodd was eaten by the dog. Marvin was so angry that he kicked into the table. He broke his leg and he went to hospital. Then he went home and the friends were there. The party was begun.
The mood was phantastic, but finally came out the police at night, because the music was so loud.
Ehhez tartozik egy megadott bevezetés is, csak azt nem akartam elírni.

2 éve nem foglalkozok angollal, de gyors átfutásra elég sok hiba van benne.
*with his friends without parents
*made!!! (maked nem létezik)
*one of his friends (vagy one of marvin's friends)
*his dog (és így nincs szóismétlés)
*Food (gondolom elírás)
*to the hospital
*went home where his friends were already waiting for him
*They kept on partying (folytatták a partit inkább).
*fantastic (ez a ph nagyon csúnya, de tudom, hogy helyes)
*the police came out at the midle of the night
*because the music was too loud
Ez még mindig elég amatőr nyelvtan, de úgy látom a past simplet tanuljátok, így nem kevertem bele én sem a perfectet.

"The party was begun" (ilyen nincs)
The party began

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