Sos. Nagyon fontos! Ha valaki le tudja fordítani angolra akkor írjon?
Köszönöm a leveledet és a szülinapi köszöntést, nagyon édes volt tőled hogy gondoltál rám. Örülök a parfümnek kitűnő választás volt a cd is nagyon tetszett! Nálam az iskola nemsokára megkezdődik és belekezdek a cselgáncs elsajátításába. Remélem hogy a jövőben újra találkozunk! Addig is sok sikert az autó vezetéshez, és az iskolához! Üdvözlöm családodat! Puszi!
Előre is köszönöm!
ezt webforditassal ertemel : I say thank you your letter and the birthday salutation, very sweet one was from you how you gave a thought to me. I am glad the choice being manifest for the perfume was the CD i loved it! The school begins soon at me and I start the acquisition of the judo. I hope so that we meet again in the future! Till then good luck the car to leadership, and to the school! I welcome your family! Kiss!
de ha a velmenyem kered akkor:
Thanks for your mail, and the birthday greetings. You were sweet thought about me. Im pleased your parfume, perfect choice, i loved the cd too! The school begins soon. Ive started the judo martial art. I hope we will meet again in the future! Good luck for the driving and the school!Welcome your family! kisses!
thanks in advance!

Szerintem így:
Thank you for your letter, and for the birthday greeting, it was sweet from you to think of me. I like the perfume, it was a great choice, and I liked the CD very much too. The school starts soon for me, and I start to learn judo too. I hope to see you again in the future! Good luck for the driving, and the school! I welcome your family too!

Thank you for your letter and the birthday gretting, it was really sweet of you to think of me. I'm happy abput the perfume it was a great chice and i also really liked the CD. The school starts for me soon and I will start to learn judo. I hope we will meet again in the future. In the meantime good luck with driving and schol. Welcome to your family.
your name

előző vagyok
*I'm going to start learning judo
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