Egy jó angolos leellenőrizné ezt az angol szöveget?
Az étkezési szokásokról kell egy amolyan házi dolgozat félét írni és szeretném ha valaki leellenőrizné amit alkottam. A word minden igét ki akar javítani "-ing"-es alakra. Igaza van? És ha lenne valami amivel szebbé lehetne tenni a szöveget várom a javaslatokat.
Eating Habits
People have different eating habits. Somebody eat anything what you can find in restaurants, and some people do not eat meat.
They are vegetarians. Vegetarians eat only eat vegetables, because they want to protect the animals and be healthy. However, someone of them are eat milk products, fish and egg, although there are vegetarians who are not eat honey!
In these times people are very busy and they usually have not time to cooking at home. They are often eat in junk food restaurants. Hot-dog, hamburger, chips. These are very unhealthy. Junk food is very delicious, however it is very fatty. You should not eat this every day, because you will be fat and you must be on diet.
Dieters are only eat healthy food, for example vegetables, fruits and low-fat milk products. They are usually do sport exercises to lost weight.
A lot of stars are be on diet too, and a plenty of them are have strange eating habits. For example, Bill Murray does not eat watermelon with seeds in it, and Mickey Rourke does not drink freshly-squeezed carrot juice if it sits more than six minutes. But why? Because they are fussy eaters. Fussy eaters are have strange expectations of food. Ninety per cent of the time they are spoiled children and teenagers.
Finally I think we must eat healthy, and if you are vegetarian or dieter, sometimes you can eat what you like.
A te mondatod: Vegetarians eat only eat vegetables, because they want to protect the animals and be healthy.
Jól írtad de szerintem az eat egyszer is elég bele:
Vegetarians only eat vegetables,because they want to protect the animals and be healthy.

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