Segítséget kérek valaki olyantól, aki helyesen beszél angolul! Eltudnátok olvasni és esetleg kijavítani ezt a kis szöveget?
Dear Kathrine,
How amazing to hear from you!It'a over 2year since we last met.I miss you,you're my very good friend.You're email adress give my youre mather,when I met with her in a supermarket.
What's news is with you?
I have a lot's of news! Imagine : Now I studying in a Private High School,who is here,in Dunaszerdahely,but this school is in the end of town,so every day I walk 15-20minits.And the bus traver is still horible.But this doesn't include here.So,I like this school,Althoug I learn more,than in elementary school.And Where do you go to school? Do you like it?
Do you remember,in elementary school we're not learn anything.It was great!
I know,you love animals,and now I have a small beagle puppy.She's name is Tappancs and i love her.In my opinion you want to like. She have 4monts ,and she is a very bed dog,however she's my best thing in my life.
So,you see,everything is fine with me.
Kathrine,let's keep to toch,and I can't wait to hear more of news ,so write my!
Love : XY
Nagyon megköszönném,ha valaki segítene :)

Nem tudom, hogy az 1.mondattal mit akartál kifejezni, de szerintem talán helyesebb lenne így: It's amazing..
Aztán: It's been 2 years since we last met.
Your mother gave me your email address, when we met in a supermarket.
What's up with you?
I have a lot of news.(ez nem biztos, hogy így helyes) Now I study in a private high school, that is here, in Dunaszerdahely. But it's in the end of the town.
And on the top of it he bus lines are horrible,so I have to walk about 15-20 minutes every day to get there.
"But this doesn't include here."-ezt szerintem kihagyhatnád és helyette a következő mondatod kezdd úgy, hogy Anyway I like this school. Although I have to learn more than in the primary/elementary school. Do you remember when in the elementary shool we didn't have to learn anything? It was great!
Her name is Tappancs... In my opinion you would like her. She is 4 months old and she's a very bad dog.
Kathrine, let's keep in touch. I can't wait to hear from you. So write as soon as it possible.
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