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Angol házi feladatom:mesét kell leforditani angolra (röviden)?

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Angol házi feladatom:egy mesét kell lefordítani angolra(de röviden)nem tudtok linket küldeni,ahol röviden van leírva angolul ???? pl. Alice csodaországban,3kívánság,stb....
2010. nov. 9. 21:22
 1/10 anonim ***** válasza:
Háááát, azzal akkorát fogsz bukni mint egy ház...
2010. nov. 9. 21:29
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 2/10 anonim ***** válasza:
és ezt fél tízkor kezdi csinánli..
2010. nov. 9. 21:33
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 3/10 anonim válasza:
2010. nov. 9. 21:33
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 4/10 anonim ***** válasza:

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

There once was a queen who named her only daughter Snow White because her skin was so fair and lovely. The queen died, and Snow Whiteís father married a new queen, who was evil, vain and wicked. Every morning she would stand in front of the mirror and say, ìMirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?î The mirror always answered, ìthee,î until one day it said that Snow White was the fairest one of all.

The evil queen ordered one of her servants to take Snow White to the forest to have her killed. The servant, feeling sorry for Snow white, let her go and brought back a wild boarís heart to show the queen he had done the deed. Snow White, alone and hungry in the forest, came across a little cottage with seven tiny bedsÖetc. When the dwarves came back form work they found Snow White and said she could stay with them if she cleaned and cooked.

They all lived happily until one day when the mirror told the wicked queen that Snow White was still alive and living with the dwarves. The wicked queen disguised herself as a peddler and went to the cottage while the dwarves were at work. She gave Snow White a red apple that was poisoned.

When Snow White took a bite of the apple, she fell down unconscious. The dwarves were very sad and built a glass coffin for her. One day a prince came by and saw how beautiful Snow White was, and bent down to give her a kiss. Snow White woke up and they were married.

2010. nov. 9. 21:37
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 5/10 anonim ***** válasza:

Sleeping Beauty

A king and a queen had been trying to have a child for years. When the child finally arrived, they called her Aurora. A great holiday was proclaimed to celebrate Auroraís birth. Visitors came from far and wide, including three good fairies, named Merryweather, Fauna and Flora. One of the most distinguished guests was another king from a neighboring kingdom, who brought his son Prince Philip. Both kings realized that their dream of a united kingdom could now come true.

The three good fairies began bestowing their gifts upon Aurora. Aurora received the gift of Beauty, and gift of SongÖ but before the last gift was bestowed, a wicked fairy interrupted. This wicked fairy was upset that she wasnít invited to the party, so she cast a spell ñ on the day of Auroraís 16th birthday, she would prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die.

The third good fairy hadnít bestowed her gift yet, and she was horrified at the spell the wicked fairy cast. The good fairy wasnít strong enough to undo the spell, but she was able to dilute it a bit ñ instead of death, Aurora would fall asleep until her true love come along to undo the spell with a kiss.

As a precaution, all spinning wheels were removed from the kingdom, and Aurora lived in hiding as a peasant with the good fairies for protection. She grew up, met Prince Philip, and fell in love. On the night of Auroraís 16th birthday, Aurora, Prince Philip, and the good fairies all went back to the castle to live. But the evil fairy snuck into the castle and pricked Auroraís finger with a needle, causing her to fall asleep. With the help of the good fairies, Prince Philip kissed her and she awoke. They all lived happily ever after.

2010. nov. 9. 21:38
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 6/10 anonim ***** válasza:


Itt van az oldal, ahonnan szedtem. Az én böngészőm alatt mindenhol í van ' helyett, szóval azokat írd át. A fenti két mesében is benne maradt néhány ilyen.

2010. nov. 9. 21:41
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 7/10 anonim válasza:

Pont ilyen feladatra vágyom! :)

Melyiket fordítsam neked?:)

felsőfokú angolos lány 13:)

2010. nov. 9. 22:54
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 8/10 A kérdező kommentje:

Jaj köszönöm a linket:) első 2 emberke:Ha nem segítessz akkor minek kell beirogatni ilyeneket????képzeld nem márka kellett a feladat:P csak hogy írtad:fél 10kor?! :S

Utolsó válaszoló:Alice csodaországban le fordítanád nekem?:) Ha lehet akkor kb egy A4-es oldal méretű legyen:) Köszikee,ha esetleg segítesssz!!!!

2010. nov. 10. 16:05
 9/10 A kérdező kommentje:
Légyszi ha valaki segítene,akkor ne kitűnő mondatokat írjon bele,hanem olyat amit egy olyan emberke tudhat aki 2éve tanul angolt.Szóval ilyen érdekes mondatszerkezetek ne legyenek benne,ami kb. felsőfokra kell:)Köszike
2010. nov. 18. 16:30
 10/10 anonim válasza:
Hát képzeld nekem is ez a feladatom keddre véletlen nem ugyanaz a tanár tanit minket ? XD
2014. febr. 10. 13:24
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