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Ezt az Angol szöveget le tudnátok légyszi fordítani?

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All five declared to me that the Army would never lend itself to a coup de force, nor attack the inviolability of the Assembly. You can tell your friends this."—"He smiled," said

Michel de Bourges, reassured, "and I also smiled." After this, Michel de Bourges declared in the Tribune, "this is the man for me." In that same month of November a satirical journal, charged with calumniating the President of the Republic, was sentenced to fine and imprisonment for a caricature depicting a shooting-gallery and Louis Bonaparte using the Constitution as a target. Morigny, Minister of the Interior, declared in the

Council before the President "that a Guardian of Public Power ought never to violate the law as otherwise he would be—" "a dishonest man," interposed the President. All these words and all these facts were notorious. The material and moral impossibility of the coup d'état was manifest to all. To outrage the National Assembly! To arrest the Representatives! What madness! As we have seen, Charras, who had long remained on his guard, unloaded his pistols. The feeling of security was complete and unanimous. Nevertheless there were some of us in the Assembly who still retained a few doubts, and who occasionally shook our heads, but we were looked upon as fools.

2022. nov. 15. 22:46
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:

Ezen mi kifogásolandó lenne?

Mind az öten kijelentették nekem, hogy a hadsereg soha nem adná magát egy puccshoz, és nem támadná meg a gyűlés sérthetetlenségét. Ezt elmondhatja a barátainak." - mosolygott - mondta

Michel de Bourges megnyugodva, "és én is mosolyogtam". Ezek után Michel de Bourges a Tribune-ban kijelentette: "ez az én emberem". Ugyanebben a novemberi hónapban egy szatirikus folyóiratot, amelyet a köztársasági elnök rágalmazásával vádoltak, pénzbüntetésre és börtönbüntetésre ítéltek egy karikatúra miatt, amely egy lövöldözőt és Louis Bonapartét ábrázolta, az alkotmányt céltáblának használva.

2022. nov. 15. 23:00
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 krwkco ***** válasza:
shooting gallery = céllövölde
2022. nov. 16. 09:38
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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