Kijavítanád az Angol leckémet?
Put the verbs in the Past Simple or Continuous.
1.) When I last saw (see) Alan, he trying (try) to get a new job.
2.) I walked. (walk) along the street when I suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. Somebody following(follow) me I was frightened and I start to ran (run).
3.) When I was young, I wanted (want) to be a bus driver.
4.) When we went(go) out, it rained (rain).
5.) I wasn’t hungry last night. I didn't eat (not/eat) anything.
6.) You were watching (you/watch) television when I phoned(phone) you?
7.) Jane wasn’t at home when I went to see her. She worked(work).
8.) The postman came(come), while I ……………………………(have) breakfest.

1.) When I last saw (see) Alan, he was trying (try) to get a new job.
2.) I was walking. (walk) along the street when I suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. Somebody was following(follow) me I was frightened and I start to ran (run).
3.) When I was young, I wanted (want) to be a bus driver.
4.) When we went(go) out, it was raining (rain).
5.) I wasn’t hungry last night. I didn't eat (not/eat) anything.
6.) Were you watching (you/watch) television when I phoned(phone) you?
7.) Jane wasn’t at home when I went to see her. She was working(work).
8.) The postman came(come), while I was having (have) breakfest.
A házi kész, de attól még nem tanultad meg. Fontos, hogy megértsd a folyamatos múltat, hogy érthetően tudj beszélni/irni.
A feladatban szhereplő mondatok amugy fent vannak neten, csak rá kellett volna googliznod.

- started to run
8. nincs vessző (akkor lenne, ha a While-lal kezded a mondatot)

Nna, én is elgépeltem a "reggeli"-t :(

Elvileg csak az igéket kellett beirni, de a started to runnál már a kérdező elrontotta, mert a (start) volt a zárójelben, nem a run. Ez zavart be szerintem.
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