Megnéznétek a levelem?
Unatkoztam és a google fordító és az agyam segítségével megalkottam egy ilyen baráti levelet.Őszintén szólva nem tudom,hogy jó-e.Ha hibát láttok benne akkor írjátok!!
Dear Kathy,
Thanks for your letter. It was wonderful to hear from you again. I’m sorry I haven’t written before, but I’ve been very busy. I’m glad you’re enjoying your job. I will travel in the next month to you. Already, I very miss you. By the way, how are things?
Well, Guess what! I learned to swim this week and I very glad to him, because we can go in to the swimming pool. Anyway, already you have a boyfriend? I’m enjoying to summer break and I relaxing my family and my friends. Lots of we go to the cinema and nights club. I have a bad news. I crashed my bike, but not happened nothing serious.
Really, what’s the weather in London? I heard some things from London. My friend was there, and he said lots of rain.
Well, that’s all for now. I’ll tell you more, when I see you next month. Take care
Lots of Kisses Mike.

I’m glad you’re enjoying your job.
Ezt így:
I’m glad you enjoy your job.

I will travel in the next month to you.
általában az időt a végére rakják, vagy vesszővel az elejére:
I will travel to you in the next month.

how are things?
ehelyett én a
what about you?-t írnám
Sejtettem én,hogy valami nem oké.Köszönöm a javításokat.

Well, Guess what! I learned to swim this week and I very glad to him, because we can go in to the swimming pool.
Just imagine! In this week, I learnt how to swim. It makes me very happy because it means that we can co to the pool together.

tele van hibával, de hosszú a nyár, én is angolozok ezerrel, te is tedd :D
I'm going to travel inkább
Az "Already, I very miss you" nem angolos, inkább: I miss you so much.
A "how are things"-ben nem vagyok biztos, de szerintem inkább how are you, vagy how are you doing (ha amcsi a csaj)
ha angol a csaj, akkor learnt és nem learned
a mondatból amúgy nem derül ki, hogy kire vagy büszke :D
"Anyway, already you have a boyfriend?" ööö az already-t már másodszor használod indokolatlanul, mit akarsz vele kifejezni? csak simán do you have a bf?/have you got a bf? (us/uk)
I _am_ relaxing _with_ my family and my friends. - with nélkül valami olyasmit jelentene, hogy nyugtatod a családodat, meg a barátaidat :D
lots of us, night clubs
I have bad news
but nothing serious happened
"Really, what’s the weather in London?" a really nem kell és what's the weather _like_ in London
I have heard
and he said it rains a lot
Lots of kisses,

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