Letszi segicsetek a kovetkezo mondatokra feltenni a kerdeseket azza a kerdoszov al amit leirok en a mondat utan. Bocsi az ekezet miatt (? )
(Ask questions for the following the sentences)
Susan watches science fiction films.What?
Mrs.Cooper is smoking.What?
He starts work at 8 a clock.When ?
The actors were performing on the stage.Where
We went on a trip last summer.Where?
I have known him phone ten years.how?
Peter played football when he was shool.when?
He s parent will by him a new car.What?
The shop assitend sold me a new pair of shoes.what?
The weather forecast anounced good weaters.what?

Ha nem magyar anyanyelvű vagy, ne vedd magadra , de ez a "létszi" meg a "segicsetek"....???

What does Sucan watch?
What is Mrs. Cooper doing?
When does he start to work?
Where were the actors performing?
where did we go last summer?
Bocs de ezt nem értem hogy known him phone... (az for akar lenni?)
How long have I known him? (?)
When did Peter play football?
What will his parents buy him?
What did the shop assistant sell me?
What did the weather forecast announce?
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