Angol. Helyes igeidőket használtam az alábbi szövegekben? Van benne bármilyen hiba?
At Christmas night are here all the family, since it is a feast of love. At daytime we're cleaning up the house, and Mom preparing for the dinner. Dad's job cutting from
the tree, he brings into the house, and we're dressing up that. On this day we usually singing beautiful songs, and if the snow's falling, then we sleigh, and tossing each
other with snowballs. When the evening is coming, we sitting down around the table, and eating the turkey stuffed with chestnuts. When we've done the dinner, we going to
the tree and everyone's opened the gifts. I think Christmas is an amazing feast, and the night of this day miracles happening.
With my younger sister we're painting some eggs of red, and we're waiting for the sprinkles. Usually in this day our grandparents are coming here, and laughing together.
Mom's preparing the ham, cooking that, and slices and cuts, and serving with eggs. Wine, brandy, and soft drinks will be on the table, if someone's thirsty. At afternoon
me and my sister going to the field and collecting some of flowers. For dinner we eating ham and eggs again, but Mom's cooking next to some soup. After dinner we're
deactivated the ornaments, and counting how many sprinkles we having on this day.
When someone's having a birthday from the family, Mom's baking a delicious cake. My favourite is the chocolate cake, and Mom's baking that every year. On birthdays
our grandparents and our friends are coming, and brings some gifts, and cakes. With my sister we're cleaning up the house at forenoon, and we're preparing to welcome
other guests. When Mom's brings the cake into the dining room, we're singing a song, and the celebrated person slices and cuts the cake. I hope my Mom's baking the
chocolate cake for my birthday in this year also.
When the new year's coming we have a largest crowd in our house. Our every friends and relatives are here, we're listening sme music, and eating delicious foods.
Mom's at the new year's eve always baking a pig, and next to cooking lentils, and garlic cream soup. The guests are brings cakes usually, and we don't to create those.
We're dressing up the house with ornaments this time too. We're putting sparkling ornaments of the door, and the windows, and we're dressed some costumes. I like the
angel and the devil costumes. With my sister we're dancing, and singig for the audience. At midnight we're clink our glasses and dancing, singing, and having fun till dawn.

Miért használsz folyamatos jelent, mikor általánosságban beszélsz dolgokról?
Elmondod sorban hogy mit csinálsz ekkor meg ekkor, nem kell más csak present simple.
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