Miért volt ennyire béna a motoros? Hogy lehet annyi esze, hogy bemegy két kamion közé?
Ajánlom figyelembe, hogy baloldalt kimehetett volna a fűre, volt hely a kamion hátulja, és a kocsi eleje között.
Ez meg bemegy két kamion közé...
Vajon miért van leírás a videó alatt, ha senki sem olvassa?
So this happened.
I braked hard but was losing the back end. I was obviously braking before the first "shit"
I had no idea those trucks were not moving until I see the hazard lights on the blue car. I never went to the grass because and I hope this is clear I should have stopped braking a hard as I did I had plenty of time but the bike just slid. In hindsight obviously if I had known I was not going to stop I would have but I should have stopped.
As many commented it was an avoidable crash as I had time to brake. I was braking really really hard. That was all I could do.
By the time I went through the trucks I was practically side on.
Was hard on front and rear brakes.
As I was going closer to the trucks I was terrified of hitting the back and would have certainly have died. In the splits seconds I had to realise I was not going to stop I so lucky I was able to find the middle.
If you listen you can hear the tyres slide from 00:05 before screaching.
Obviously I wanted to stop and not cause costly damage to myself and bike. Still you wasn't there and haters gonna hate :-)
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