Amennyiben még nem vagy 18 éves, a böngésződ Vissza gombja segítségével hagyd el az oldalt.
Ha valaki nő, akkor neki már mindent szabad?
Az imént láttam ezt a videót és eléggé kiakaszt ez a borzasztó kettős mérce, ami tükröződik rajta.

Csak azt szabad, amire elojogot ad a pina.
Eleg sok mindenre :)

vegyük úgy hogy nem írtam semmit.
4es voltam

javaslom a kommenteket is olvasd a videónál.
ez eléggé jól összefoglalja a dolgot:
People react to strong-vs-weak scenarios like a larger opponent cornering a smaller one. If the man appeared smaller and weaker than the woman l predict people reactions would be different but in cases like this the assumption is that he is physically capable of defending himself against her, and thus isn't in any real danger. I think it's ridiculous that in striving for equality people want to forget the clear physiological differences between men and women, due to testosterone increasing muscle mass and estrogen inhibiting muscle growth. This isn't sexism it's science. The majority of men are stronger than the majority of women, this is why most men are not physically frightened even of angry women while most women are very cautious of angry men, and a very unfortunately high number of men use that to their advantage. This is like that whole 'if it was Jay Z hitting Solange people would be outraged' thing, of course they would be, Solange and other women are quite aware, albeit subconsciously, that they can't actually do much damage when they let their anger get the better of them and throw those ridiculous tantrums, they only really risk their dignity, where as if Jay Z had hit her it could potentially kill her. That is a big fucking difference in outcome. most guys can leave their psycho violent girlfriends, they might suffer some slaps, verbal abuse, maybe she'll abuse their friends and family or even call his work and do all kinds of crazy bitchy shit, but he can leave without fearing for his life. Most women fear the fallout of breaking up with an abusive boyfriend because they don't want to become this weeks statistic. more than 70 women are murdered by their partner a year in Australia alone. That's MORE than one a week. And that's not counting the number of their children who get killed as well out of sheer spite. So forgive me if I don't think violence against men is quite ready to be made a priority issue. So sick of seeing this stupid video.
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Nem kötözködni akarok, csak érdekelne, hogy arra van-e megoldásod, ha nem hagyja abba.
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