Idéztetek már meg démont az Ars Goetia-ból, hogyan sikerült?
Komolyan kérdezem ezotériások válaszoljanak. Hogyan lehet felismerni egy démont vagy angyalt ők napközben is járkálnak az utcán vagy csak este?
Lehet-e úgy megidézni őket hogy utána engem szolgáljanak?
Tudtam, hogy nem kapok itt értelmes válaszokat. Igen kell adni érte cserébe valamit. Azért mégse idézném meg, mert nem áldozom fel a lelkemet vagy mást érte. Csak kíváncsi voltam hogy működik.Nem vagyok őrült csak érdekel az okkultizmus. Találtam is egy leírást. :
How about, make a really big 6 pointed star on the floor (or a ritual matt), You can do this with tape or paint. (I recommend paint mixed with human blood, because that will make the portal stronger and easier for a demon to pass threw). Have candles placed on each point of the star, the shape in the middle is the portal. You now have a portal set up.
Now to call the demon, you must summon it with a spell (which can be any words that say basically, you call the demon (use it's name specifically if you want a specific one) and ask it to do your bidding and do what you will. I recommend writing this down before you do it, to make sure your language is clear and poetic).
You must offer something of sacrifice for trade, and to pay the demon, for his deeds if he chooses to except. Depending on how much hard the deed is to accomplish, the better and more esteemed and important the sacrifice. The amount of your belief + will of the desired act, and sacrifice, the stronger the demon will come be.
For example, a peace of pizza will bring a vary small demon, who wont have the power to injure someone, more then a really pesky mosquito. While as the organs of animals, like a sheep's blader, can bring a demon who can do more. (by the way, demons love the smell and taste of fresh human blood that you can sacrifice to them with a good cut down your arm.) A task of killing some one requires the most sacrifice, which most people wont/can't do, like kill a baby, kill twins, and several human harts, etc,
or, your own soul you can offer to the demons. (Which he'd take after you die). In some cultures, your soul is the demon's possession and property, (He might use you as a slave, or sex tool, or servant in his realm, which he takes you to), however in other culture, the demon eats/sucks up your essence and soul and your existence, (Which I think then makes you apart of him, or makes him spiritually more powerful).
But there is one trick, and way to cheat a demon, that I know. For live sacrifice-levil demons, you can trick them, by going to a grave and digging up the bones of a baby, animal or person etc, and putting that and some of it's graveyard soil into the hexagon as your sacrifice. (However doing this brings about bad energies, from the deceased thing, so you my want a mirror charm to reflect that).
Anyways, put whatever the sacrifice into the hexagon, call the demon and their you go.
Now, depending upon the hardness of the task, and personal steragth of the demon, leave the candles burning until a certain time. If its a really really hard task (like killing someone) let the candles completely melt and burn themselves out, and furthermore let the sacrifice remain uncleaned away for 3 days, or until the designated person is killed (also a lock of hair or part of the designated person, will help the demon track them down faster), but for smaller things just let the candles burn for a few more minutes or less, and for common medium things burn the candle half way. What ever you do, don't leave the sacrifice in the hexagon for a few days overnight, as the portal with the unclean sacrifice still attracts bad sprites and wondering demons, and can make your room or house haunted, so clean the sacrifice up and off within a few hours. (You can also take the candles off after the ritual is done).
Don't step on or touch the lines of the star during, and a little after (Accept in big task that take longer), the ritual because the demon can feel this like touch.
Like the other guy said, don't call the specific names of strong demons with a weakling sacrifice, as they'll probably get mad and take what they think they deserve, and take from you and/or turn on you for revenge. Which could be vary dangerous.
If the star is disrupted during the summoning it "breaks the spell" and the ritual wont work or will be stopped before the demon can do what it's ben sent to do.
And don't remove/clean the ritual star away soon after the task for longer summonings, as the demon will come to travel back threw the this portal when it's done, and will get mad if you remove it and it'll get trapped in this realm until it can find another portal or doorway, like a ouija board. (That's why they say sometimes ouija boards attract demons).
I recommend not leaving a ritual star out for really, really, long periods of time though ether, like years, because with time and use the portal becomes stronger and be negative-speritual spots, (If you want to clear your houses energies, perform a cleansing), and after a looooong time can become doorways themselves without any sacrifices or callings. And those are bad for peoples health. Anyways, thats why ritual stars on matts are popular because the portal becomes stronger, but is entirely sealed away and dispelles negative energies from accumulating. when rolled up, and is also more portable for travels and rituals anywhere.

ebből talán 2 mondat, ami a valósághoz talán igazodik.
a többi e, kb ilyen értelmi képességű embereknek mint te!

Édes szivem, fsz kérdésre hogy vársz értelmes választ? Olvass már a kérdések között, van mit.. Rendesen ki van tárgyalva a téma.
Mellesleg gondolom a SOE oldalán is van sok infó, ha ennyire érdekel.
Akkor a biblia is csak kitaláció szerintetek?
Naná tele van szkeptikusokkal a gyík.
A SOE egy rakás... külföldi oldalakról lopkodtak le dolgokat.

Hát, ha van kedved, szarakodj egy sort a pentagrammákkal meg a gyertyákkal nyugodtam. Legfeljebb kicsit hülyén fogod érezni magad utána, amikor semmi sem történik.
Amúgy ehhez nem kell szkeptikusnak lenni. Ez a démonos téma annyira bárgyú, hogy egy minimális józan ész bpven elég hozzá.
Értem. Te mit adnál cserébe? Aki válaszolt annak köszönöm.
Máár tudom, hogy kellene csinálni.vér nélkül is működhet? A démon pecsétet fogom használni hozzá..
Salamonnak sikerült.:)

Állítólag a tőle kért dologgal arányos dolgot kell (ha jól tudom), ha elfogadja, akkor jó, ha nem, mást kell ajánlani. Lelket természetesen nem:D
A vér csak szimbolikus benne.

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