Amerikában az a 3 ember aki megnyerte a powerball lottón a 1,5 milliárd dollárt, azok most örülnek vagy már most stresszelnek, hogy ezután milyen életük lesz?
nem hiszem hogy örülnének, ott ugyanis személyesen veszik át a nyereményt, és képek is készülnek a nyertesekről, amiket a sajtónak kiadnak.
Így is felhőtlen lehet az örömük, vagy most a föld alá bújnának és azon törik a fejüket, hogy hova költözzenek, ahol senki sem fogja őket felismerni?

All but a handful of states (DE, KS, MD, ND, OH for now) have laws that require the lottery to release the name and city of residence to anyone who asks. Some states are considering anonymous claims. Some states are considering a one-year period of anonymity to give the winners time to get used to their new lifestyle. Other states may offer to assist you in some way, including such things as the creation of trusts. But generally, you will want to hire an attorney to review the laws in your state to see what options you might have. Photos and press conferences are up to you for most part, though some states add a requiremment for photos on their tickets. Check with your state lottery to see if photos or more are required. Most of the time, it is advisable to get it over with the press so that you don't have one or more reporters following you around to get that "exclusive" interview. Even if the you can keep your identity secret from the press and the public, you will have to be known to the lottery - so they can confirm that you are eligible to play and win.
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