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Vigyázat startapró hirdetésre scam levél érkezhet érdeklődésnek álcázva! A kérdés hogy bedőlt már valaki ennek a levélnek?

Figyelt kérdés

Thank you for your response to my mail on your property which i am interested in, i read the details of your property and i like it and i am ready to pay for it on your Said price. However, it will not be possible for me to come to your Country until the middle of next month. But If it can be arranged, i can pay you even before my

arrival. Can you reserve this Property for me until then? I am Contacting you in great confidence hoping that you are a very reliable and trustworthy person and therefore

would be helpful to me.

I will need this property for my stay as I will be relocating to your country because of the ongoing civil unrest in my country Syria and also the daily treat from ISIS terrorist group, and this is why I contact you so that we can put heads together towards my plan to relocate and invest in your country. As a result of this it will be important for me to reveal to you that I have in my possession the sum of 5.6 € million which I discovered in my husband's save ground, my late husband Mashhad Alahmad Lababidi, who was killed in the al-Omari Mosque Massacre. He was a very successful contractor in Kuwaiti Oil city and was privately dealing on gold dust and bars before his untimely death.

The ongoing civil unrest in my country Syria have changed my future and if we come to a concrete agreement i will send the money to you for safe keeping till i make my way

and come to meet you in your country very soon, please help me to achieve achievement this. I have already lost my husband and my 9 year old son in the chemical attack

when i went to work to save the lives of other people. Please my life is in danger in the hands of Asaad military and ISIS terrorist group.

The sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union has prevent us from Securing our financial transaction here in Syria. I decided to find someone who is real and not imaginary and that is why I went to this secured site where I can be sure that the person is real. I believe I can trust you. I will give you 15% of the total money (5.6 million euros) for your assistance. I hope I am been fair on this deal? Right now I am very careful with the way I communicate so as to reduce any kind of risk until this money is finally in your custody. Where I am now we can only communicate through the Red Cross communication facilities which only permit me to send emails and can not make phone calls now because there is no network at Bab Al Salaam area since it was blocked by the Asaad government. Please if you are interested in helping me in this transaction i will give to you the complete details you need for us to carry out this transaction successfully. I have a good means of sending the money out of Syria to your country with the help of a red cross jet that brings relief materials from Europe. Please, you are in a position to help me start a new life.I would owe you my life if you help me. I wait for your fast response so i can give you further details upon hearing from you. Please reserve the property for me and consider my request for our mutual benefit and life ahead.

My sincere regards,

Mrs. Soulafa Lababidi.

2016. ápr. 26. 12:25
 1/4 anonim ***** válasza:


Épeszű ember 2 másodperc után törli ezt, annyira átlátszó.

De sajnos a hülyék újratermelődnek, és még manapság is van, aki nem ismeri a nigériai csalás fogalmát.

2016. ápr. 26. 12:30
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/4 A kérdező kommentje:
Úgy indít hogy érdeklődik angolul a hirdetésedre hogy megvan-e még az ingatlan. Ez már a második levél :-)
2016. ápr. 26. 12:43
 3/4 anonim ***** válasza:
ki az a hülye aki ennek bedől?
2016. ápr. 26. 13:15
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/4 A kérdező kommentje:
Reményeim szerint senki. És miután kiadja a kereső ha valaki rákeres a levél tartalmára nagy eséllyel nem is fog bedőlni. És ez volt a fő cél. Fuck yeah Mrs. crook
2016. ápr. 26. 18:45

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