Mindenki hallotta a lezuhant boeinget a tengerbe, mert eltűnt a radaról. Miért nem volt GPS/nyomkövető a gépen? Miért csak a radarra hagyatkozunk a 21. században?
Néhány dologgal én is így vagyok: vagy egy pék ismerősöm, éjszaka jár dolgozni, izzad a kemencék mellett, süti a kenyeret. Nem is értem miért csinálja ilyen bonyolultan, mikor csak be kellene mennie a boltba és levenni a polcról...
Olvass kicsit utána, hogy miből áll a képfeldolgozás ha kicsit megérted a működését rájössz miért emberekkel csináltatják.
Nekem most is az a velemnyem hogy amit sok sok sok sok oldalon lehette olvasni hogy az 5 ember volt a gepen akiket el kellett tenni labalol... az 5 tervezo akiknek reszuk volt az elektronikus autok tervezeseben
Peidong Wang, Suzhou, China, (20%)
Zhijun Chen, Suzhou, China, (20%)
Zhihong Cheng, Suzhou, China, (20%)
Li Ying, Suzhou, China, (20%)
Freescale Semiconductor (20%)
...erdekes az is hogy egy idoben tul sok veletlen tortent hogy azon a gepen utaztak es mint az 5 en 200% ben reszesuk voltak a kesobbi haszonban mert ha bejon forradalmat csinalnak es iszonyatos penz piacot hoz a konyhara.. na ha ezt agepet elteritik az 5 ember miatt szarva arra hogy ott tobb mint 200 ember van es azoknak is csaladjuk van akkor az 5 ember szazalekos aranyban a valo honorariuma azonnal atszall az eredeti befektetokere a ROTCHILDOKRA akik a bankokat es az egesz vilagot iranyitjak es akik szarnak arra hogy esteleg tobb mint 200 emebr elete forog kockan......szoval megint azok keze volt a dolgokban akik vezetik a nagyhatalmakat bun es lelkiismeret furdalas nelkul... Az a gep egyertelmuleg nem tunt el azt valahova leszallitottak es elsumakoltak...hogy nagyon valoszinu mire a gep leszallt mar mindeki halott volt mert elgazosiatottak mert mit csinaljanak annyi emberrel. Ezek tenyek mert a weben iszonyatos oldalakat lehett olvasni rolla es mindig a zsido eredetu oldalak voltak akik cafoltak ezeket a tenyeket...Csak gondolj bele ma amikor mindenrol latni kepeket mindent lehet kovetni akkor hogy lehet hogy egy repulo ugy eltunik, hogy semmi nyoma es ha lezuhan sincsen semmi maradek valami gep szarny vagy barmi aprosag ami a vizen lebeg mert azert amultban barmikor le esett egy gep hetekig uszkaltak a cuccok szemelyi targyak meg alkatreszek amik nem merultek le...szoval tul sok az olyan amirol tul sokan nem beszelnek es probaljak feledesbe meriteni..Emlekezz amikor 9/11 volt akkor is idoben lettek ertesitve a biboldok mert erdekes egy bibsi nem ment be aznap dolgozni es en konkreten tudm mert egy ilyen metszett farku akivel dolgozok az elfecsegte tehat ott is azok keze volt a dolgokban mert aztan ott is kesobb videokon derult kis sok minden hogy elobb kezdett fustolni az egyik torony alulrol minthogy becsapodott volna a repulo..Szoavl megint sok sok tul sok sumak es kerdes van amire nincsen magyarazt es valasz ami megint ezt a verziot igazolja..Ne menjunk messzire ha valahol barki kerdez vagy erdeklodik mindig megmagyarazzak es elkodositik a dolgokat.ami megint ezt igazolja...
Read carefully….Leuren Moret: Flight 370 downing was Energy weapons demo; Rothschild patent scam; Payback for Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal verdicts vs. Israel, US and UK
Leuren Moret: Flight 370 downing was Energy weapons demo; Rothschild patent scam; Payback for Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal verdicts vs. Israel, US and UK
“World War III will be a guerrilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation.” Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980), Canadian thinker
VANCOUVER, BC – In an exclusive EcologyNews.com interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, radiation and directed energy expert Leuren Moret, MA, PhD ABT, revealed that Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 of March 8, 2014 was, by the evidence, shot down by a newly unveiled U.S. Navy Laser Weapons System (LaWS).
According to Leuren Moret, the location of the downed Malaysia Flight 370 as first confirmed by an admiral of the Vietnamese armed forces was correct, while the U.S. and Malaysian media have published a continual stream of disinformation as a diversion to cover-up this military false flag operation by the U.S. Navy.
Motives for the false flag operation – Why?
In the course of her interview, Leuren Moret elaborated on the apparent motives for this false flag operation by the U.S. Navy, including:
1. Response to Putin & demonstration of LaWS Weapons system - Leuren Moret details why the March 8, 2014 U.S. Navy LaWS directed energy system attack was in response to an earlier public test of the Topol missile system by Vladimir Putin’s Russian armed forces, as part of a strategic dynamic unleashed by the confrontations around Crimea and the Ukraine. On March 6, 2014, two days before the attack on Flight 370, the U.S. Navy released a promotional video and major news release around its directed energy weapons LaWS system. Then two day later, on March 8, the U.S. Navy demonstrated its LaWS directed energy weapons system against Flight 370. The profile of available evidence as to how Fight 370 was downed fits the targeting profile of the LaWS directed energy weapons system.
March 6, 2014 U.S. Navy Video for LaWS Laser Weapons system
2. Payback for Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal verdicts against Israel, U.S. & U.K. – The interview details how the March 8, 2014 U.S. Navy attack against Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was payback for genocide war crimes verdicts in 2013, 2012, and 2011 against Israel, U.S. and U.K. by the Kuala Lumpur War Crime Tribunal, founded by the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad. A wide corporate and political network of top decision-makers in Malaysia, including the President of Malaysia Airlines and the Prime Minister of Malaysia, funded the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal.
3. Rothschild patent scam - According to Leuren Moret, there may have been other levels of motive connected to twenty employees of Freescale Semiconductor on Flight 370, headed for a conference in Beijing.
From ExopoliticsTV:
Four days after flight MH370 goes missing, a patent is approved. 4 of the 5 Patent holders are Chinese employees of Freescale Semiconductor of Austin TX. The fifth is the company itself. Each patent is divided into 20% increments to the 5 holders -
Peidong Wang, Suzhou, China, (20%)
Zhijun Chen, Suzhou, China, (20%)
Zhihong Cheng, Suzhou, China, (20%)
Li Ying, Suzhou, China, (20%)
Freescale Semiconductor (20%)
If a patent holder dies, the remaining holders equally share the dividends of the deceased so long as it's not disputed in a will. If 4 of the 5 Patent holders die, then the remaining Patent holder gets 100% of the wealth of the patent. That remaining Patent holder is Freescale Semiconductor. Who owns Freescale Semiconductor? Answer - Jacob Rothschild! He owns it through Blackstone who themselves own Freescale. Here's your motive for the missing Beijing plane - all 4 Chinese Patent members were passengers on the missing plane.
Patent holders can alter the proceeds legally by passing wealth to their heirs. However, they can only do that when the Patent is approved. (For me this is just another daft rule. It simply enables evil-minded scum the opportunity to commit skulduggery). So when the plane went missing, the patent had not been approved. As soon as the plane went missing, in other words 'operation successful' the Patent is approved & thank you very much! Mr. Rothschild once again gets the lot - 100% Patent holder, that is once the other 4 Patent holders are declared deceased. What a lovely world we live in! Blatant as you like!
"Freescale Semiconductor Employees Confirmed Passengers on Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Austin, Texas (Business Wire) Mar. 8, 2014: Freescale Semiconductor has confirmed that 20 of its employees were confirmed passengers on Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Twelve are from Malaysia and eight are from China. The entire Freescale Semiconductor community is deeply saddened by this news. The company is continuing to monitor the situation and will provide more information as it becomes available."
Gregg A. Lowe, 51, is a member of the Board and our President and Chief Executive Officer and has served in these roles since June 2012. Mr. Lowe joined Freescale from Texas Instruments, Inc. (Texas Instruments), a global semiconductor design and manufacturing company, where he managed the Analog business unit from 2006 to June 2012. Mr. Lowe began his career with Texas Instruments in 1984 and held a variety of management positions with increasing responsibility in Texas Instruments' sales and business units. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Semiconductor Industry Association. Mr. Lowe earned a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering in 1984 from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, Indiana. He later received the university's Career Achievement Award to recognize his accomplishments in the community and within the semiconductor industry. He graduated from the Stanford Executive Program at Stanford University.
Freescale Semiconductor Ltd
Compensation for 2012
Salary $553,846
Bonus $1,000,000
Restricted stock awards $3,388,057
All other compensation $8,659,186
Option awards $7,143,998
Total Compensation $20,745,087
Options Exercised for 2012
Number of securities underlying options unexercisable 380,098
Shares acquired on exercise 70,000
Stock Ownership for 2014
Number of shares owned 452,649
Texas Instruments, Inc.
Stock Ownership for 2012
Number of shares owned 5,381
ALTERNATIVE LINE OF INQUIRY: Malaysia Officials Open Criminal Inquiry Into Missing Jet
Leuren Moret
Navy will deploy its first directed energy weapon to the fleet; Laser Weapon System (March 7, 2014)
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