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Segítene valaki, hogy helyes-e a következő angol bemutatkozó szöveg?

Figyelt kérdés
My name is __ __. I am 17 years old. I was born in Szombathely, in 1996. I live in ____ in the west of Hungary, in Vas county, with my parents, my brothers and my sister. My address is ______. I live in a house. I like it here because it is close to nature. My phone number is 0630-9911-19, and my e-mail address is _____. I am studying at a secondary school, which is called X Y. I like coming here, because my friends are here. My favourite subject is geography. I don't like Maths. I like playing basketball. I often play with my dogs. I love them. When I graduate, I would like to go to university, but I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I like reading book and I love going out with my friends. I come from a small family. My mother’s name is Piroska and she is 54 years old, she is factory worker. My father’s name is László and he is 45 years old, he is contractor. My brothers’s name is József and András, my sister’s name is Piroska. They 32, 26 and 24 years old. My grandparents are no longer alive. My friends are my classmates and I have friends from my childhood. She’s name is ___. She is very nice and understanding. We talk and watch movies we used to when we are together. We meet every day. I have long brown hair and big brown eyes. I am 163 cm tall and 61 kg. I'm not thin. I wear simple, colorful clothes, my favorite color is blue. My friends think of me, I'm friendly, kind, helpful, understanding and funny. But I'm also sensitive, curious and a bit lazy too.

2014. jan. 13. 20:34
 1/3 anonim ***** válasza:

I like attending és there, inkább, because my friends are there.

I like reading books

She is a factory worker, he is a contractor.

My brothers' name are x and y.

They are 32, 26 and 24 years old respectively. (respectively - sorrendben, vagy valami ilyesmi, de nem muszáj odarakni)

A barátaim az osztálytársaim, és vannak barátaim a gyerekkoromból... Hogy ha a barátaid az osztálytársaid, akkor más már nem nagyon lehet. Kicsit szőrözés, de jobb lenne mondjuk úgy, hogy Most of my friends are my classmates, but I also have some friends from my childhood.

Her name is x - most akkor csak egy gyerekkori barátod van? Mert akkor az előzőben but I also have a friend from..

We usually talk and watch movies when we are together.

My friends think of me as a friendly, x, y and z boy/girl.

Ezt a végén magadról írást szerintem inkább az elejére kellene bebiggyeszteni valahova, kicsit fure volt, hogy így nagy fordulattal visszatértél magadhoz. De egyébként nem ezen múlik.

2014. jan. 14. 09:47
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 anonim ***** válasza:
De amúgy így, ahogy írom, neked is "leesik", hogy jaaj, tényleg, ezt tényleg úgy kell, nem? :)
2014. jan. 14. 09:50
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/3 A kérdező kommentje:
Igen, igen, köszönöm. :)
2014. jan. 14. 15:05

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