Azok, akik jól tudnak angolul, és van egy kis szabadidőjük (ami gondolom most van), segítenének? (passive igeidővel kapcsolatban)
Itt vannak a kérdések, és a válaszok, amiket adtam. A kérdés már csak az, hogy jók e.. Khmm, nem hinném.
1.The Smiths drive the car to New York.
-The car was driven (by the Smiths) to New York.
2.The builders didnt finish the fifth floor on time.
-The fifth floor was not finished on time.
3.Does Mária drive the car to work on Friday?
-Is the car drived to work on Friday?
4.Did all the students do the homework?
-Was all the homework done?
5.The thieves robbed Micheal's house.
-Micheal's house was robbed.
6.The cafe on the corner does not serve breakfast any more.
-The cafe on the corner is not szerves breakfast any more.
7.The maintenance workers regulary clean this staircase.
-This staircase is being cleaned regulary.
8.Microsoft doesnt sell Windows Vista any more.
-Windows Vista is not swelled any more.
9.Did they finish the report on time?
-Was the report finished on time?
10.Does Jack still write articles for the school newspaper?
-Is the articles for the school newspaper still written?
1. is driven, jelenidő
3. driven to work on Friday (by Maria)
5. biztos Micheal, és nem Michael?😅
6. No breakfast is served by the cafe on the corner
7. sold, nem swelled
10. Are*
Bocsi, lehet nem vettem mindent észre, csak válaszolni akartam, de sietnek kell😂
Ittenke vannak remek nyelvtani összefoglalók, és mindenféle tesztek. Passzív is. De amúgy az egész oldalt használhatod.
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